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import * as fs from 'fs';
import autobind from 'autobind-decorator';
import * as loki from 'lokijs';
import * as request from 'request-promise-native';
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ export default class 藍 {
public friends: loki.Collection<FriendDoc>;
public moduleData: loki.Collection<any>;
* 藍インスタンスを生成します
@ -105,6 +107,10 @@ export default class 藍 {
this.friends = this.getCollection('friends', {
indices: ['userId']
this.moduleData = this.getCollection('moduleData', {
indices: ['module']
// Init stream
@ -281,6 +287,22 @@ export default class 藍 {
return friend;
* ファイルをドライブにアップロードします
public async upload(readStream: fs.ReadStream) {
const res = await request.post({
url: `${config.apiUrl}/drive/files/create`,
formData: {
i: config.i,
file: readStream
json: true
return res;
* 投稿します
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import DiceModule from './modules/dice';
import ServerModule from './modules/server';
import FollowModule from './modules/follow';
import ValentineModule from './modules/valentine';
import MazeModule from './modules/maze';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import * as request from 'request-promise-native';
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ promiseRetry(retry => {
new BirthdayModule(),
new ValentineModule(),
new KeywordModule(),
new MazeModule(),
}).catch(e => {
log(chalk.red('Failed to fetch the account'));
@ -5,9 +5,21 @@ export default abstract class Module {
public abstract readonly name: string;
protected ai: 藍;
private doc: any;
public init(ai: 藍) {
this.ai = ai;
this.doc = this.ai.moduleData.findOne({
module: this.name
if (this.doc == null) {
this.doc = this.ai.moduleData.insertOne({
module: this.name,
data: {}
public abstract install(): InstallerResult;
@ -48,4 +60,15 @@ export default abstract class Module {
public setTimeoutWithPersistence(delay: number, data?: any) {
this.ai.setTimeoutWithPersistence(this, delay, data);
protected getData() {
return this.doc.data;
protected setData(data: any) {
this.doc.data = data;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export const itemPrefixes = [
'2018年製', // TODO ランダム
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
* Random avatar generator
const p = require('pureimage');
import * as gen from 'random-seed';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import autobind from 'autobind-decorator';
import Module from '../../module';
import serifs from '../../serifs';
import * as tmp from 'tmp';
type CellType = 'empty' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'leftTop' | 'leftBottom' | 'rightTop' | 'rightBottom' | 'leftRightTop' | 'leftRightBottom' | 'leftTopBottom' | 'rightTopBottom' | 'leftRight' | 'topBottom' | 'cross';
type Dir = 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom';
const cellVariants = {
empty: {
digg: { left: 'left', right: 'right', top: 'top', bottom: 'bottom' },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
left: {
digg: { left: null, right: 'leftRight', top: 'leftTop', bottom: 'leftBottom' },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
right: {
digg: { left: 'leftRight', right: null, top: 'rightTop', bottom: 'rightBottom' },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
top: {
digg: { left: 'leftTop', right: 'rightTop', top: null, bottom: 'topBottom' },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
bottom: {
digg: { left: 'leftBottom', right: 'rightBottom', top: 'topBottom', bottom: null },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
leftTop: {
digg: { left: null, right: 'leftRightTop', top: null, bottom: 'leftTopBottom' },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
leftBottom: {
digg: { left: null, right: 'leftRightBottom', top: 'leftTopBottom', bottom: null },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
rightTop: {
digg: { left: 'leftRightTop', right: null, top: null, bottom: 'rightTopBottom' },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
rightBottom: {
digg: { left: 'leftRightBottom', right: null, top: 'rightTopBottom', bottom: null },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
leftRightTop: {
digg: { left: null, right: null, top: null, bottom: null },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
leftRightBottom: {
digg: { left: null, right: null, top: null, bottom: null },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
leftTopBottom: {
digg: { left: null, right: null, top: null, bottom: null },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
rightTopBottom: {
digg: { left: null, right: null, top: null, bottom: null },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
leftRight: {
digg: { left: null, right: null, top: 'leftRightTop', bottom: 'leftRightBottom' },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: true, bottom: true },
topBottom: {
digg: { left: 'leftTopBottom', right: 'rightTopBottom', top: null, bottom: null },
cross: { left: true, right: true, top: false, bottom: false },
cross: {
digg: { left: 'cross', right: 'cross', top: 'cross', bottom: 'cross' },
cross: { left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false },
} as { [k in CellType]: {
digg: { left: CellType | null; right: CellType | null; top: CellType | null; bottom: CellType | null; };
cross: { left: boolean; right: boolean; top: boolean; bottom: boolean; };
} };
const imageSize = 2048; // px
const margin = 256;
const mazeAreaSize = imageSize - (margin * 2);
const themes = [{
bg1: '#C1D9CE',
bg2: '#F2EDD5',
wall: '#0F8AA6',
road: '#C1D9CE',
marker: '#84BFBF',
}, {
bg1: '#17275B',
bg2: '#1F2E67',
wall: '#17275B',
road: '#6A77A4',
marker: '#E6E5E3',
}, {
bg1: '#194035',
bg2: '#417334',
wall: '#594020',
road: '#A67926',
marker: '#2E4D59',
export default class extends Module {
public readonly name = 'maze';
public install() {
setInterval(this.post, 1000 * 60 * 3);
return {};
private async post() {
const now = new Date();
if (now.getHours() !== 11) return;
const date = `${now.getFullYear()}-${now.getMonth()}-${now.getDate()}`;
const data = this.getData();
if (data.lastPosted == date) return;
data.lastPosted = date;
const seed = date;
this.log('Maze generating...');
const maze = this.genMize(seed);
this.log('Maze rendering...');
const [temp] = await this.createTemp();
await this.renderMaze(seed, maze, fs.createWriteStream(temp));
this.log('Image uploading...');
const file = await this.ai.upload(fs.createReadStream(temp));
text: serifs.maze.post,
fileIds: [file.id]
private createTemp(): Promise<[string, any]> {
return new Promise<[string, any]>((res, rej) => {
tmp.file((e, path, fd, cleanup) => {
if (e) return rej(e);
res([path, cleanup]);
private genMize(seed) {
const rand = gen.create(seed);
const mazeSize = 10 + rand(21);
// maze (filled by 'empty')
const maze: CellType[][] = new Array(mazeSize);
for (let i = 0; i < mazeSize; i++) {
maze[i] = new Array(mazeSize).fill('empty');
const origin = {
x: rand(mazeSize),
y: rand(mazeSize),
function checkDiggable(x: number, y: number, dir: Dir) {
if (cellVariants[maze[x][y]].digg[dir] === null) return false;
const newPos =
dir === 'top' ? { x: x, y: y - 1 } :
dir === 'bottom' ? { x: x, y: y + 1 } :
dir === 'left' ? { x: x - 1, y: y } :
dir === 'right' ? { x: x + 1, y: y } :
{ x, y };
if (newPos.x < 0 || newPos.y < 0 || newPos.x >= mazeSize || newPos.y >= mazeSize) return false;
const cell = maze[newPos.x][newPos.y];
if (cell === 'empty') return true;
if (cellVariants[cell].cross[dir] && checkDiggable(newPos.x, newPos.y, dir)) return true;
return false;
function diggFrom(x: number, y: number) {
const isUpDiggable = checkDiggable(x, y, 'top');
const isRightDiggable = checkDiggable(x, y, 'right');
const isDownDiggable = checkDiggable(x, y, 'bottom');
const isLeftDiggable = checkDiggable(x, y, 'left');
if (!isUpDiggable && !isRightDiggable && !isDownDiggable && !isLeftDiggable) return;
const dirs: Dir[] = [];
if (isUpDiggable) dirs.push('top');
if (isRightDiggable) dirs.push('right');
if (isDownDiggable) dirs.push('bottom');
if (isLeftDiggable) dirs.push('left');
const dir = dirs[rand(dirs.length)];
maze[x][y] = cellVariants[maze[x][y]].digg[dir];
if (dir === 'top') {
maze[x][y - 1] = maze[x][y - 1] === 'empty' ? 'bottom' : 'cross';
diggFrom(x, y - 1);
if (dir === 'right') {
maze[x + 1][y] = maze[x + 1][y] === 'empty' ? 'left' : 'cross';
diggFrom(x + 1, y);
if (dir === 'bottom') {
maze[x][y + 1] = maze[x][y + 1] === 'empty' ? 'top' : 'cross';
diggFrom(x, y + 1);
if (dir === 'left') {
maze[x - 1][y] = maze[x - 1][y] === 'empty' ? 'right' : 'cross';
diggFrom(x - 1, y);
diggFrom(origin.x, origin.y);
let hasEmptyCell = true;
while (hasEmptyCell) {
const nonEmptyCells = [];
for (let y = 0; y < mazeSize; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < mazeSize; x++) {
const cell = maze[x][y];
if (cell !== 'empty' && cell !== 'cross') nonEmptyCells.push([x, y]);
const pos = nonEmptyCells[rand(nonEmptyCells.length)];
diggFrom(pos[0], pos[1]);
hasEmptyCell = false;
for (let y = 0; y < mazeSize; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < mazeSize; x++) {
if (maze[x][y] === 'empty') hasEmptyCell = true;
return maze;
private renderMaze(seed, maze: CellType[][], stream: fs.WriteStream): Promise<void> {
const rand = gen.create(seed);
const mazeSize = maze.length;
const colors = themes[rand(themes.length)];
const canvas = p.make(imageSize, imageSize);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = colors.bg1;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, imageSize, imageSize);
ctx.fillStyle = colors.bg2;
ctx.fillRect(margin / 2, margin / 2, imageSize - ((margin / 2) * 2), imageSize - ((margin / 2) * 2));
// Draw
function drawCell(ctx, x, y, size, left, right, top, bottom, mark) {
const wallThickness = size / 8;
const wallMargin = size / 4;
const markerMargin = size / 3;
ctx.fillStyle = colors.road;
if (left) {
ctx.fillRect(x, y + wallMargin, size - wallMargin, size - (wallMargin * 2));
if (right) {
ctx.fillRect(x + wallMargin, y + wallMargin, size - wallMargin, size - (wallMargin * 2));
if (top) {
ctx.fillRect(x + wallMargin, y, size - (wallMargin * 2), size - wallMargin);
if (bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(x + wallMargin, y + wallMargin, size - (wallMargin * 2), size - wallMargin);
if (mark) {
ctx.fillStyle = colors.marker;
ctx.fillRect(x + markerMargin, y + markerMargin, size - (markerMargin * 2), size - (markerMargin * 2));
const wallLeftTopX = x + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2);
const wallLeftTopY = y + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2);
const wallRightTopX = x + size - wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2);
const wallRightTopY = y + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2);
const wallLeftBottomX = x + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2);
const wallLeftBottomY = y + size - wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2);
const wallRightBottomX = x + size - wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2);
const wallRightBottomY = y + size - wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2);
ctx.fillStyle = colors.wall;
if (left && right && top && bottom) {
if (rand(2) === 0) {
ctx.fillRect(x + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), y, wallThickness, size);
ctx.fillRect(x + size - wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), y, wallThickness, size);
ctx.fillRect(x, y + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), wallMargin, wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(x + size - wallMargin, y + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), wallMargin, wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(x, y + size - wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), wallMargin, wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(x + size - wallMargin, y + size - wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), wallMargin, wallThickness);
} else {
ctx.fillRect(x, y + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), size, wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(x, y + size - wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), size, wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftTopX, y, wallThickness, wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2));
ctx.fillRect(wallRightTopX, y, wallThickness, wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2));
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftTopX, wallLeftBottomY, wallThickness, wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
ctx.fillRect(wallRightTopX, wallRightBottomY, wallThickness, wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
if (!left && right && !top && bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftTopX, wallLeftTopY, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftTopX, wallLeftTopY, wallThickness, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
if (right && bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(wallRightBottomX, wallRightBottomY, wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(wallRightBottomX, wallRightBottomY, wallThickness, wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
if (left && !right && !top && bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(x, y + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(wallRightTopX, y + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
if (left && bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(x, wallLeftBottomY, wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftBottomX, wallLeftBottomY, wallThickness, wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
if (!left && right && top && !bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftBottomX, y, wallThickness, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftBottomX, wallLeftBottomY, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness);
if (right && top) {
ctx.fillRect(wallRightTopX, y, wallThickness, wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2));
ctx.fillRect(wallRightTopX, wallRightTopY, size - wallMargin - (wallThickness * 2), wallThickness);
if (left && !right && top && !bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(x, wallLeftBottomY, size - wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(wallRightTopX, y, wallThickness, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
if (left && top) {
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftTopX, y, wallThickness, wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
ctx.fillRect(x, wallLeftTopY, wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness);
if (!left && right && !top && !bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftTopX, wallLeftTopY, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftBottomX, wallLeftBottomY, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftTopX, wallLeftTopY, wallThickness, size - wallMargin - (wallThickness * 2));
if (left && !right && !top && !bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(x, wallLeftTopY, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(x, wallLeftBottomY, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2), wallThickness);
ctx.fillRect(wallRightTopX, wallRightTopY, wallThickness, size - wallMargin - (wallThickness * 2));
if (!left && !right && !top && bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftTopX, wallLeftTopY, wallThickness, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
ctx.fillRect(wallRightTopX, wallRightTopY, wallThickness, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftTopX, wallLeftTopY, size - wallMargin - (wallThickness * 2), wallThickness);
if (!left && !right && top && !bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftTopX, y, wallThickness, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
ctx.fillRect(wallRightTopX, y, wallThickness, size - wallMargin + (wallThickness / 2));
ctx.fillRect(wallLeftBottomX, wallLeftBottomY, size - wallMargin - (wallThickness * 2), wallThickness);
if (top && bottom) {
if (!left) {
ctx.fillRect(x + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), y, wallThickness, size);
if (!right) {
ctx.fillRect(x + size - wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), y, wallThickness, size);
if (left && right) {
if (!top) {
ctx.fillRect(x, y + wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), size, wallThickness);
if (!bottom) {
ctx.fillRect(x, y + size - wallMargin - (wallThickness / 2), size, wallThickness);
const cellSize = mazeAreaSize / mazeSize;
for (let x = 0; x < mazeSize; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < mazeSize; y++) {
const actualX = margin + (cellSize * x);
const actualY = margin + (cellSize * y);
const cell = maze[x][y];
const mark = (x === 0 && y === 0) || (x === mazeSize - 1 && y === mazeSize - 1);
if (cell === 'left') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, true, false, false, false, mark);
if (cell === 'right') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, false, true, false, false, mark);
if (cell === 'top') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, false, false, true, false, mark);
if (cell === 'bottom') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, false, false, false, true, mark);
if (cell === 'leftTop') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, true, false, true, false, mark);
if (cell === 'leftBottom') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, true, false, false, true, mark);
if (cell === 'rightTop') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, false, true, true, false, mark);
if (cell === 'rightBottom') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, false, true, false, true, mark);
if (cell === 'leftRightTop') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, true, true, true, false, mark);
if (cell === 'leftRightBottom') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, true, true, false, true, mark);
if (cell === 'leftTopBottom') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, true, false, true, true, mark);
if (cell === 'rightTopBottom') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, false, true, true, true, mark);
if (cell === 'leftRight') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, true, true, false, false, mark);
if (cell === 'topBottom') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, false, false, true, true, mark);
if (cell === 'cross') drawCell(ctx, actualX, actualY, cellSize, true, true, true, true, mark);
return p.encodePNGToStream(canvas, stream);
@ -311,6 +311,10 @@ export default {
server: {
cpu: 'サーバーの負荷が高そうです。大丈夫でしょうか...?'
maze: {
post: 'この回路、解読してみてください! #AiMaze'
export function getSerif(variant: string | string[]): string {
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