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synced 2025-03-06 13:03:56 +00:00
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1 changed files with 51 additions and 27 deletions
@ -40,23 +40,44 @@ class Type<T> {
function checkProperty<K extends keyof Config>(config: Object, key: K, type: Type<Config[K]>): config is { [J in K]: Config[K] } {
const result = key in config && type.check(config[key as string]);
if (!result) {
warnWithPrefix(`config.json: Property '${key}': ${type.name} required`);
class OptionalProperty<K extends keyof Config> {
protected readonly key: K;
protected readonly type: Type<Config[K]>
public constructor(key: K, type: Type<Config[K]>) {
this.key = key;
this.type = type;
check(config: Object): config is { [J in K]?: Config[K] } {
const key = this.key;
if (!(key in config)) {
return true;
const result = this.type.check((config as { [J in K]?: unknown})[key]);
if (!result) {
warnWithPrefix(`config.json: The type of property '${key}' must be ${this.type.name}`);
return result;
return result;
function checkOptionalProperty<K extends keyof Config>(config: Object, key: K, type: Type<Config[K]>): config is { [J in K]?: Config[K] } {
if (!(key in config)) {
return true;
class Property<K extends keyof Config> extends OptionalProperty<K> {
check(config: Object): config is { [J in K]: Config[K] } {
const result = this.key in config && this.type.check((config as { [J in K]?: unknown })[this.key]);
if (!result) {
warnWithPrefix(`config.json: Property '${this.key}': ${this.type.name} required`);
return result;
const result = type.check(config[key as string]);
if (!result) {
warnWithPrefix(`config.json: The type of property '${key}' must be ${type.name}`);
return result;
type Intersection<P extends unknown[]> = P extends [infer Q, ...infer R] ? Q & Intersection<R> : unknown;
function checkProperties<P extends OptionalProperty<keyof Config>[]>(config: Object, ...properties: P):
config is object & Intersection<{ [I in keyof P]: P[I] extends OptionalProperty<infer K> ? { [J in K]: Config[K] } : never }> {
// メッセージを表示するためすべてのプロパティをチェックしてから結果を返す
return properties.map(p => p.check(config)).every(c => c);
function setProperty<K extends keyof Config>(config: Object, key: K, value: Config[K]): asserts config is { [L in K]: Config[K] } {
@ -67,20 +88,23 @@ function validate(config: unknown): Config {
if (!(config instanceof Object)) {
warnWithPrefix('config.json: Root object required');
} else if (
checkProperty(config, 'host', Type.string) &&
checkOptionalProperty(config, 'serverName', Type.string) &&
checkProperty(config, 'i', Type.string) &&
checkOptionalProperty(config, 'master', Type.string) &&
checkProperty(config, 'keywordEnabled', Type.boolean) &&
checkProperty(config, 'reversiEnabled', Type.boolean) &&
checkProperty(config, 'notingEnabled', Type.boolean) &&
checkProperty(config, 'chartEnabled', Type.boolean) &&
checkProperty(config, 'serverMonitoring', Type.boolean) &&
checkOptionalProperty(config, 'checkEmojisEnabled', Type.boolean) &&
checkOptionalProperty(config, 'checkEmojisAtOnce', Type.boolean) &&
checkOptionalProperty(config, 'mecab', Type.string) &&
checkOptionalProperty(config, 'mecabDic', Type.string) &&
checkOptionalProperty(config, 'memoryDir', Type.string)
new Property('host', Type.string),
new OptionalProperty('serverName', Type.string),
new Property('i', Type.string),
new OptionalProperty('master', Type.string),
new Property('keywordEnabled', Type.boolean),
new Property('reversiEnabled', Type.boolean),
new Property('notingEnabled', Type.boolean),
new Property('chartEnabled', Type.boolean),
new Property('serverMonitoring', Type.boolean),
new OptionalProperty('checkEmojisEnabled', Type.boolean),
new OptionalProperty('checkEmojisAtOnce', Type.boolean),
new OptionalProperty('mecab', Type.string),
new OptionalProperty('mecabDic', Type.string),
new OptionalProperty('memoryDir', Type.string)
) {
setProperty(config, 'wsUrl', config.host.replace('http', 'ws'));
setProperty(config, 'apiUrl', config.host + '/api');
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