diff --git a/dev.py b/dev.py
index 114073f..5ef6f53 100755
--- a/dev.py
+++ b/dev.py
@@ -37,32 +37,32 @@ from watchdog.events import FileSystemEvent, PatternMatchingEventHandler
REPO = Path(__file__).parent
- '.py',
- '.pyc'
+ ".py",
+ ".pyc"
def cli() -> None:
- 'Useful commands for development'
+ "Useful commands for development"
-@click.option('--no-dev', '-d', is_flag = True, help = 'Do not install development dependencies')
+@click.option("--no-dev", "-d", is_flag = True, help = "Do not install development dependencies")
def cli_install(no_dev: bool) -> None:
- with open('pyproject.toml', 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as fd:
+ with open("pyproject.toml", "r", encoding = "utf-8") as fd:
data = tomllib.loads(fd.read())
- deps = data['project']['dependencies']
- deps.extend(data['project']['optional-dependencies']['dev'])
+ deps = data["project"]["dependencies"]
+ deps.extend(data["project"]["optional-dependencies"]["dev"])
- subprocess.run([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-U', *deps], check = False)
+ subprocess.run([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "-U", *deps], check = False)
-@click.argument('path', required = False, type = Path, default = REPO.joinpath('relay'))
-@click.option('--watch', '-w', is_flag = True,
- help = 'Automatically, re-run the linters on source change')
+@click.argument("path", required = False, type = Path, default = REPO.joinpath("relay"))
+@click.option("--watch", "-w", is_flag = True,
+ help = "Automatically, re-run the linters on source change")
def cli_lint(path: Path, watch: bool) -> None:
path = path.expanduser().resolve()
@@ -70,74 +70,73 @@ def cli_lint(path: Path, watch: bool) -> None:
handle_run_watcher([sys.executable, "dev.py", "lint", str(path)], wait = True)
- flake8 = [sys.executable, '-m', 'flake8', "dev.py", str(path)]
- mypy = [sys.executable, '-m', 'mypy', '--python-version', '3.12', 'dev.py', str(path)]
+ flake8 = [sys.executable, "-m", "flake8", "dev.py", str(path)]
+ mypy = [sys.executable, "-m", "mypy", "--python-version", "3.12", "dev.py", str(path)]
- click.echo('----- flake8 -----')
+ click.echo("----- flake8 -----")
- click.echo('\n\n----- mypy -----')
+ click.echo("\n\n----- mypy -----")
def cli_clean() -> None:
dirs = {
- 'dist',
- 'build',
- 'dist-pypi'
+ "dist",
+ "build",
+ "dist-pypi"
for directory in dirs:
shutil.rmtree(directory, ignore_errors = True)
- for path in REPO.glob('*.egg-info'):
+ for path in REPO.glob("*.egg-info"):
- for path in REPO.glob('*.spec'):
+ for path in REPO.glob("*.spec"):
def cli_build() -> None:
from relay import __version__
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
- arch = 'amd64' if sys.maxsize >= 2**32 else 'i386'
+ arch = "amd64" if sys.maxsize >= 2**32 else "i386"
cmd = [
- sys.executable, '-m', 'PyInstaller',
- '--collect-data', 'relay',
- '--collect-data', 'aiohttp_swagger',
- '--hidden-import', 'pg8000',
- '--hidden-import', 'sqlite3',
- '--name', f'activityrelay-{__version__}-{platform.system().lower()}-{arch}',
- '--workpath', tmp,
- '--onefile', 'relay/__main__.py',
+ sys.executable, "-m", "PyInstaller",
+ "--collect-data", "relay",
+ "--hidden-import", "pg8000",
+ "--hidden-import", "sqlite3",
+ "--name", f"activityrelay-{__version__}-{platform.system().lower()}-{arch}",
+ "--workpath", tmp,
+ "--onefile", "relay/__main__.py",
- if platform.system() == 'Windows':
- cmd.append('--console')
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ cmd.append("--console")
# putting the spec path on a different drive than the source dir breaks
if str(REPO)[0] == tmp[0]:
- cmd.extend(['--specpath', tmp])
+ cmd.extend(["--specpath", tmp])
- cmd.append('--strip')
- cmd.extend(['--specpath', tmp])
+ cmd.append("--strip")
+ cmd.extend(["--specpath", tmp])
subprocess.run(cmd, check = False)
-@click.option('--dev', '-d', is_flag = True)
+@click.option("--dev", "-d", is_flag = True)
def cli_run(dev: bool) -> None:
- print('Starting process watcher')
+ print("Starting process watcher")
- cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'relay', 'run']
+ cmd = [sys.executable, "-m", "relay", "run"]
if dev:
- cmd.append('-d')
+ cmd.append("-d")
handle_run_watcher(cmd, watch_path = REPO.joinpath("relay"))
@@ -167,7 +166,7 @@ def handle_run_watcher(
class WatchHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler):
- patterns = ['*.py']
+ patterns = ["*.py"]
def __init__(self, *commands: Sequence[str], wait: bool = False) -> None:
@@ -184,7 +183,7 @@ class WatchHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler):
if proc.poll() is not None:
- print(f'Terminating process {proc.pid}')
+ print(f"Terminating process {proc.pid}")
sec = 0.0
@@ -193,11 +192,11 @@ class WatchHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler):
sec += 0.1
if sec >= 5:
- print('Failed to terminate. Killing process...')
+ print("Failed to terminate. Killing process...")
- print('Process terminated')
+ print("Process terminated")
def run_procs(self, restart: bool = False) -> None:
@@ -213,21 +212,21 @@ class WatchHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler):
self.procs = []
for cmd in self.commands:
- print('Running command:', ' '.join(cmd))
+ print("Running command:", " ".join(cmd))
self.procs = list(subprocess.Popen(cmd) for cmd in self.commands)
pids = (str(proc.pid) for proc in self.procs)
- print('Started processes with PIDs:', ', '.join(pids))
+ print("Started processes with PIDs:", ", ".join(pids))
def on_any_event(self, event: FileSystemEvent) -> None:
- if event.event_type not in ['modified', 'created', 'deleted']:
+ if event.event_type not in ["modified", "created", "deleted"]:
self.run_procs(restart = True)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/relay/__init__.py b/relay/__init__.py
index 80eb7f9..e19434e 100644
--- a/relay/__init__.py
+++ b/relay/__init__.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-__version__ = '0.3.3'
+__version__ = "0.3.3"
diff --git a/relay/__main__.py b/relay/__main__.py
index d3d7c18..d4146b5 100644
--- a/relay/__main__.py
+++ b/relay/__main__.py
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
-import multiprocessing
from relay.manage import main
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- multiprocessing.freeze_support()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/relay/application.py b/relay/application.py
index 6180792..7082c74 100644
--- a/relay/application.py
+++ b/relay/application.py
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ def get_csp(request: web.Request) -> str:
"img-src 'self'",
"object-src 'none'",
"frame-ancestors 'none'",
- f"manifest-src 'self' https://{request.app['config'].domain}"
+ f"manifest-src 'self' https://{request.app["config"].domain}"
- return '; '.join(data) + ';'
+ return "; ".join(data) + ";"
class Application(web.Application):
@@ -61,20 +61,20 @@ class Application(web.Application):
Application.DEFAULT = self
- self['running'] = False
- self['signer'] = None
- self['start_time'] = None
- self['cleanup_thread'] = None
- self['dev'] = dev
+ self["running"] = False
+ self["signer"] = None
+ self["start_time"] = None
+ self["cleanup_thread"] = None
+ self["dev"] = dev
- self['config'] = Config(cfgpath, load = True)
- self['database'] = get_database(self.config)
- self['client'] = HttpClient()
- self['cache'] = get_cache(self)
- self['cache'].setup()
- self['template'] = Template(self)
- self['push_queue'] = multiprocessing.Queue()
- self['workers'] = PushWorkers(self.config.workers)
+ self["config"] = Config(cfgpath, load = True)
+ self["database"] = get_database(self.config)
+ self["client"] = HttpClient()
+ self["cache"] = get_cache(self)
+ self["cache"].setup()
+ self["template"] = Template(self)
+ self["push_queue"] = multiprocessing.Queue()
+ self["workers"] = PushWorkers(self.config.workers)
self.on_cleanup.append(handle_cleanup) # type: ignore
@@ -82,69 +82,69 @@ class Application(web.Application):
def cache(self) -> Cache:
- return cast(Cache, self['cache'])
+ return cast(Cache, self["cache"])
def client(self) -> HttpClient:
- return cast(HttpClient, self['client'])
+ return cast(HttpClient, self["client"])
def config(self) -> Config:
- return cast(Config, self['config'])
+ return cast(Config, self["config"])
def database(self) -> Database[Connection]:
- return cast(Database[Connection], self['database'])
+ return cast(Database[Connection], self["database"])
def signer(self) -> Signer:
- return cast(Signer, self['signer'])
+ return cast(Signer, self["signer"])
def signer(self, value: Signer | str) -> None:
if isinstance(value, Signer):
- self['signer'] = value
+ self["signer"] = value
- self['signer'] = Signer(value, self.config.keyid)
+ self["signer"] = Signer(value, self.config.keyid)
def template(self) -> Template:
- return cast(Template, self['template'])
+ return cast(Template, self["template"])
def uptime(self) -> timedelta:
- if not self['start_time']:
+ if not self["start_time"]:
return timedelta(seconds=0)
- uptime = datetime.now() - self['start_time']
+ uptime = datetime.now() - self["start_time"]
return timedelta(seconds=uptime.seconds)
def workers(self) -> PushWorkers:
- return cast(PushWorkers, self['workers'])
+ return cast(PushWorkers, self["workers"])
def push_message(self, inbox: str, message: Message, instance: Instance) -> None:
- self['workers'].push_message(inbox, message, instance)
+ self["workers"].push_message(inbox, message, instance)
def register_static_routes(self) -> None:
- if self['dev']:
- static = StaticResource('/static', File.from_resource('relay', 'frontend/static'))
+ if self["dev"]:
+ static = StaticResource("/static", File.from_resource("relay", "frontend/static"))
static = CachedStaticResource(
- '/static', Path(File.from_resource('relay', 'frontend/static'))
+ "/static", Path(File.from_resource("relay", "frontend/static"))
@@ -158,18 +158,18 @@ class Application(web.Application):
host = self.config.listen
port = self.config.port
- if port_check(port, '' if host == '' else host):
- logging.error(f'A server is already running on {host}:{port}')
+ if port_check(port, "" if host == "" else host):
+ logging.error(f"A server is already running on {host}:{port}")
- logging.info(f'Starting webserver at {domain} ({host}:{port})')
+ logging.info(f"Starting webserver at {domain} ({host}:{port})")
def set_signal_handler(self, startup: bool) -> None:
- for sig in ('SIGHUP', 'SIGINT', 'SIGQUIT', 'SIGTERM'):
+ for sig in ("SIGHUP", "SIGINT", "SIGQUIT", "SIGTERM"):
signal.signal(getattr(signal, sig), self.stop if startup else signal.SIG_DFL)
@@ -179,22 +179,25 @@ class Application(web.Application):
def stop(self, *_: Any) -> None:
- self['running'] = False
+ self["running"] = False
async def handle_run(self) -> None:
- self['running'] = True
+ self["running"] = True
- self['client'].open()
- self['database'].connect()
- self['cache'].setup()
- self['cleanup_thread'] = CacheCleanupThread(self)
- self['cleanup_thread'].start()
- self['workers'].start()
+ self["client"].open()
+ self["database"].connect()
+ self["cache"].setup()
+ self["cleanup_thread"] = CacheCleanupThread(self)
+ self["cleanup_thread"].start()
+ self["workers"].start()
+ runner = web.AppRunner(
+ self, access_log_format = "%{X-Forwarded-For}i \"%r\" %s %b \"%{User-Agent}i\""
+ )
- runner = web.AppRunner(self, access_log_format='%{X-Forwarded-For}i "%r" %s %b "%{User-Agent}i"')
await runner.setup()
site = web.TCPSite(
@@ -205,22 +208,22 @@ class Application(web.Application):
await site.start()
- self['starttime'] = datetime.now()
+ self["starttime"] = datetime.now()
- while self['running']:
+ while self["running"]:
await asyncio.sleep(0.25)
await site.stop()
- self['workers'].stop()
+ self["workers"].stop()
- self['starttime'] = None
- self['running'] = False
- self['cleanup_thread'].stop()
- self['database'].disconnect()
- self['cache'].close()
+ self["starttime"] = None
+ self["running"] = False
+ self["cleanup_thread"].stop()
+ self["database"].disconnect()
+ self["cache"].close()
class CachedStaticResource(StaticResource):
@@ -229,19 +232,19 @@ class CachedStaticResource(StaticResource):
self.cache: dict[str, bytes] = {}
- for filename in path.rglob('*'):
+ for filename in path.rglob("*"):
if filename.is_dir():
rel_path = str(filename.relative_to(path))
- with filename.open('rb') as fd:
- logging.debug('Loading static resource "%s"', rel_path)
+ with filename.open("rb") as fd:
+ logging.debug("Loading static resource \"%s\"", rel_path)
self.cache[rel_path] = fd.read()
async def _handle(self, request: web.Request) -> web.StreamResponse:
- rel_url = request.match_info['filename']
+ rel_url = request.match_info["filename"]
if Path(rel_url).anchor:
raise web.HTTPForbidden()
@@ -281,8 +284,8 @@ class CacheCleanupThread(Thread):
def format_error(request: web.Request, error: HttpError) -> Response:
- if request.path.startswith(JSON_PATHS) or 'json' in request.headers.get('accept', ''):
- return Response.new({'error': error.message}, error.status, ctype = 'json')
+ if request.path.startswith(JSON_PATHS) or "json" in request.headers.get("accept", ""):
+ return Response.new({"error": error.message}, error.status, ctype = "json")
context = {"e": error}
@@ -294,27 +297,27 @@ async def handle_response_headers(
request: web.Request,
handler: Callable[[web.Request], Awaitable[Response]]) -> Response:
- request['hash'] = b64encode(get_random_bytes(16)).decode('ascii')
- request['token'] = None
- request['user'] = None
+ request["hash"] = b64encode(get_random_bytes(16)).decode("ascii")
+ request["token"] = None
+ request["user"] = None
app: Application = request.app # type: ignore[assignment]
if request.path in {"/", "/docs"} or request.path.startswith(TOKEN_PATHS):
with app.database.session() as conn:
tokens = (
- request.headers.get('Authorization', '').replace('Bearer', '').strip(),
- request.cookies.get('user-token')
+ request.headers.get("Authorization", "").replace("Bearer", "").strip(),
+ request.cookies.get("user-token")
for token in tokens:
if not token:
- request['token'] = conn.get_app_by_token(token)
+ request["token"] = conn.get_app_by_token(token)
- if request['token'] is not None:
- request['user'] = conn.get_user(request['token'].user)
+ if request["token"] is not None:
+ request["user"] = conn.get_user(request["token"].user)
@@ -338,21 +341,21 @@ async def handle_response_headers(
except Exception:
- resp = format_error(request, HttpError(500, 'Internal server error'))
+ resp = format_error(request, HttpError(500, "Internal server error"))
- resp.headers['Server'] = 'ActivityRelay'
+ resp.headers["Server"] = "ActivityRelay"
# Still have to figure out how csp headers work
- if resp.content_type == 'text/html' and not request.path.startswith("/api"):
- resp.headers['Content-Security-Policy'] = get_csp(request)
+ if resp.content_type == "text/html" and not request.path.startswith("/api"):
+ resp.headers["Content-Security-Policy"] = get_csp(request)
- if not request.app['dev'] and request.path.endswith(('.css', '.js', '.woff2')):
+ if not request.app["dev"] and request.path.endswith((".css", ".js", ".woff2")):
# cache for 2 weeks
- resp.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public,max-age=1209600,immutable'
+ resp.headers["Cache-Control"] = "public,max-age=1209600,immutable"
- resp.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-store'
+ resp.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store"
return resp
@@ -362,25 +365,25 @@ async def handle_frontend_path(
request: web.Request,
handler: Callable[[web.Request], Awaitable[Response]]) -> Response:
- if request['user'] is not None and request.path == '/login':
- return Response.new_redir('/')
+ if request["user"] is not None and request.path == "/login":
+ return Response.new_redir("/")
- if request.path.startswith(TOKEN_PATHS[:2]) and request['user'] is None:
- if request.path == '/logout':
- return Response.new_redir('/')
+ if request.path.startswith(TOKEN_PATHS[:2]) and request["user"] is None:
+ if request.path == "/logout":
+ return Response.new_redir("/")
- response = Response.new_redir(f'/login?redir={request.path}')
+ response = Response.new_redir(f"/login?redir={request.path}")
- if request['token'] is not None:
- response.del_cookie('user-token')
+ if request["token"] is not None:
+ response.del_cookie("user-token")
return response
response = await handler(request)
- if not request.path.startswith('/api'):
- if request['user'] is None and request['token'] is not None:
- response.del_cookie('user-token')
+ if not request.path.startswith("/api"):
+ if request["user"] is None and request["token"] is not None:
+ response.del_cookie("user-token")
return response
diff --git a/relay/cache.py b/relay/cache.py
index 4a6b7dd..5b3627a 100644
--- a/relay/cache.py
+++ b/relay/cache.py
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ DeserializerCallback = Callable[[str], Any]
BACKENDS: dict[str, type[Cache]] = {}
CONVERTERS: dict[str, tuple[SerializerCallback, DeserializerCallback]] = {
- 'str': (str, str),
- 'int': (str, int),
- 'bool': (str, convert_to_boolean),
- 'json': (json.dumps, json.loads),
- 'message': (lambda x: x.to_json(), Message.parse)
+ "str": (str, str),
+ "int": (str, int),
+ "bool": (str, convert_to_boolean),
+ "json": (json.dumps, json.loads),
+ "message": (lambda x: x.to_json(), Message.parse)
@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@ def register_cache(backend: type[Cache]) -> type[Cache]:
return backend
-def serialize_value(value: Any, value_type: str = 'str') -> str:
+def serialize_value(value: Any, value_type: str = "str") -> str:
if isinstance(value, str):
return value
return CONVERTERS[value_type][0](value)
-def deserialize_value(value: str, value_type: str = 'str') -> Any:
+def deserialize_value(value: str, value_type: str = "str") -> Any:
return CONVERTERS[value_type][1](value)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class Item:
class Cache(ABC):
- name: str = 'null'
+ name: str
def __init__(self, app: Application):
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class Cache(ABC):
- def set(self, namespace: str, key: str, value: Any, value_type: str = 'key') -> Item:
+ def set(self, namespace: str, key: str, value: Any, value_type: str = "key") -> Item:
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class Cache(ABC):
class SqlCache(Cache):
- name: str = 'database'
+ name: str = "database"
def __init__(self, app: Application):
@@ -173,16 +173,16 @@ class SqlCache(Cache):
raise RuntimeError("Database has not been setup")
params = {
- 'namespace': namespace,
- 'key': key
+ "namespace": namespace,
+ "key": key
with self._db.session(False) as conn:
- with conn.run('get-cache-item', params) as cur:
+ with conn.run("get-cache-item", params) as cur:
if not (row := cur.one(Row)):
- raise KeyError(f'{namespace}:{key}')
+ raise KeyError(f"{namespace}:{key}")
- row.pop('id', None)
+ row.pop("id", None)
return Item.from_data(*tuple(row.values()))
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ class SqlCache(Cache):
raise RuntimeError("Database has not been setup")
with self._db.session(False) as conn:
- for row in conn.run('get-cache-keys', {'namespace': namespace}):
- yield row['key']
+ for row in conn.run("get-cache-keys", {"namespace": namespace}):
+ yield row["key"]
def get_namespaces(self) -> Iterator[str]:
@@ -200,28 +200,28 @@ class SqlCache(Cache):
raise RuntimeError("Database has not been setup")
with self._db.session(False) as conn:
- for row in conn.run('get-cache-namespaces', None):
- yield row['namespace']
+ for row in conn.run("get-cache-namespaces", None):
+ yield row["namespace"]
- def set(self, namespace: str, key: str, value: Any, value_type: str = 'str') -> Item:
+ def set(self, namespace: str, key: str, value: Any, value_type: str = "str") -> Item:
if self._db is None:
raise RuntimeError("Database has not been setup")
params = {
- 'namespace': namespace,
- 'key': key,
- 'value': serialize_value(value, value_type),
- 'type': value_type,
- 'date': Date.new_utc()
+ "namespace": namespace,
+ "key": key,
+ "value": serialize_value(value, value_type),
+ "type": value_type,
+ "date": Date.new_utc()
with self._db.session(True) as conn:
- with conn.run('set-cache-item', params) as cur:
+ with conn.run("set-cache-item", params) as cur:
if (row := cur.one(Row)) is None:
raise RuntimeError("Cache item not set")
- row.pop('id', None)
+ row.pop("id", None)
return Item.from_data(*tuple(row.values()))
@@ -230,12 +230,12 @@ class SqlCache(Cache):
raise RuntimeError("Database has not been setup")
params = {
- 'namespace': namespace,
- 'key': key
+ "namespace": namespace,
+ "key": key
with self._db.session(True) as conn:
- with conn.run('del-cache-item', params):
+ with conn.run("del-cache-item", params):
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ class SqlCache(Cache):
with self._db.session(True) as conn:
- with conn.run(f'create-cache-table-{self._db.backend_type.value}', None):
+ with conn.run(f"create-cache-table-{self._db.backend_type.value}", None):
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class SqlCache(Cache):
class RedisCache(Cache):
- name: str = 'redis'
+ name: str = "redis"
def __init__(self, app: Application):
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ class RedisCache(Cache):
def get_key_name(self, namespace: str, key: str) -> str:
- return f'{self.prefix}:{namespace}:{key}'
+ return f"{self.prefix}:{namespace}:{key}"
def get(self, namespace: str, key: str) -> Item:
@@ -305,9 +305,9 @@ class RedisCache(Cache):
key_name = self.get_key_name(namespace, key)
if not (raw_value := self._rd.get(key_name)):
- raise KeyError(f'{namespace}:{key}')
+ raise KeyError(f"{namespace}:{key}")
- value_type, updated, value = raw_value.split(':', 2) # type: ignore[union-attr]
+ value_type, updated, value = raw_value.split(":", 2) # type: ignore[union-attr]
return Item.from_data(
@@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ class RedisCache(Cache):
if self._rd is None:
raise ConnectionError("Not connected")
- for key in self._rd.scan_iter(self.get_key_name(namespace, '*')):
- *_, key_name = key.split(':', 2)
+ for key in self._rd.scan_iter(self.get_key_name(namespace, "*")):
+ *_, key_name = key.split(":", 2)
yield key_name
@@ -333,15 +333,15 @@ class RedisCache(Cache):
namespaces = []
- for key in self._rd.scan_iter(f'{self.prefix}:*'):
- _, namespace, _ = key.split(':', 2)
+ for key in self._rd.scan_iter(f"{self.prefix}:*"):
+ _, namespace, _ = key.split(":", 2)
if namespace not in namespaces:
yield namespace
- def set(self, namespace: str, key: str, value: Any, value_type: str = 'key') -> Item:
+ def set(self, namespace: str, key: str, value: Any, value_type: str = "key") -> Item:
if self._rd is None:
raise ConnectionError("Not connected")
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ class RedisCache(Cache):
self.get_key_name(namespace, key),
- f'{value_type}:{date}:{value}'
+ f"{value_type}:{date}:{value}"
return self.get(namespace, key)
@@ -369,8 +369,8 @@ class RedisCache(Cache):
limit = Date.new_utc() - timedelta(days = days)
- for full_key in self._rd.scan_iter(f'{self.prefix}:*'):
- _, namespace, key = full_key.split(':', 2)
+ for full_key in self._rd.scan_iter(f"{self.prefix}:*"):
+ _, namespace, key = full_key.split(":", 2)
item = self.get(namespace, key)
if item.updated < limit:
@@ -389,11 +389,11 @@ class RedisCache(Cache):
options: RedisConnectType = {
- 'client_name': f'ActivityRelay_{self.app.config.domain}',
- 'decode_responses': True,
- 'username': self.app.config.rd_user,
- 'password': self.app.config.rd_pass,
- 'db': self.app.config.rd_database
+ "client_name": f"ActivityRelay_{self.app.config.domain}",
+ "decode_responses": True,
+ "username": self.app.config.rd_user,
+ "password": self.app.config.rd_pass,
+ "db": self.app.config.rd_database
if os.path.exists(self.app.config.rd_host):
diff --git a/relay/compat.py b/relay/compat.py
index 1f81296..ef0ebd8 100644
--- a/relay/compat.py
+++ b/relay/compat.py
@@ -14,21 +14,21 @@ class RelayConfig(dict[str, Any]):
dict.__init__(self, {})
if self.is_docker:
- path = '/data/config.yaml'
+ path = "/data/config.yaml"
self._path = Path(path).expanduser().resolve()
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
- if key in {'blocked_instances', 'blocked_software', 'whitelist'}:
+ if key in {"blocked_instances", "blocked_software", "whitelist"}:
assert isinstance(value, (list, set, tuple))
- elif key in {'port', 'workers', 'json_cache', 'timeout'}:
+ elif key in {"port", "workers", "json_cache", "timeout"}:
if not isinstance(value, int):
value = int(value)
- elif key == 'whitelist_enabled':
+ elif key == "whitelist_enabled":
if not isinstance(value, bool):
value = convert_to_boolean(value)
@@ -37,45 +37,45 @@ class RelayConfig(dict[str, Any]):
def db(self) -> Path:
- return Path(self['db']).expanduser().resolve()
+ return Path(self["db"]).expanduser().resolve()
def actor(self) -> str:
- return f'https://{self["host"]}/actor'
+ return f"https://{self['host']}/actor"
def inbox(self) -> str:
- return f'https://{self["host"]}/inbox'
+ return f"https://{self['host']}/inbox"
def keyid(self) -> str:
- return f'{self.actor}#main-key'
+ return f"{self.actor}#main-key"
def is_docker(self) -> bool:
- return bool(os.environ.get('DOCKER_RUNNING'))
+ return bool(os.environ.get("DOCKER_RUNNING"))
def reset(self) -> None:
- 'db': str(self._path.parent.joinpath(f'{self._path.stem}.jsonld')),
- 'listen': '',
- 'port': 8080,
- 'note': 'Make a note about your instance here.',
- 'push_limit': 512,
- 'json_cache': 1024,
- 'timeout': 10,
- 'workers': 0,
- 'host': 'relay.example.com',
- 'whitelist_enabled': False,
- 'blocked_software': [],
- 'blocked_instances': [],
- 'whitelist': []
+ "db": str(self._path.parent.joinpath(f"{self._path.stem}.jsonld")),
+ "listen": "",
+ "port": 8080,
+ "note": "Make a note about your instance here.",
+ "push_limit": 512,
+ "json_cache": 1024,
+ "timeout": 10,
+ "workers": 0,
+ "host": "relay.example.com",
+ "whitelist_enabled": False,
+ "blocked_software": [],
+ "blocked_instances": [],
+ "whitelist": []
@@ -85,13 +85,13 @@ class RelayConfig(dict[str, Any]):
options = {}
- options['Loader'] = yaml.FullLoader
+ options["Loader"] = yaml.FullLoader
except AttributeError:
- with self._path.open('r', encoding = 'UTF-8') as fd:
+ with self._path.open("r", encoding = "UTF-8") as fd:
config = yaml.load(fd, **options)
except FileNotFoundError:
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class RelayConfig(dict[str, Any]):
for key, value in config.items():
- if key == 'ap':
+ if key == "ap":
for k, v in value.items():
if k not in self:
@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ class RelayConfig(dict[str, Any]):
class RelayDatabase(dict[str, Any]):
def __init__(self, config: RelayConfig):
dict.__init__(self, {
- 'relay-list': {},
- 'private-key': None,
- 'follow-requests': {},
- 'version': 1
+ "relay-list": {},
+ "private-key": None,
+ "follow-requests": {},
+ "version": 1
self.config = config
@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ class RelayDatabase(dict[str, Any]):
def hostnames(self) -> tuple[str]:
- return tuple(self['relay-list'].keys())
+ return tuple(self["relay-list"].keys())
def inboxes(self) -> tuple[dict[str, str]]:
- return tuple(data['inbox'] for data in self['relay-list'].values())
+ return tuple(data["inbox"] for data in self["relay-list"].values())
def load(self) -> None:
@@ -144,29 +144,29 @@ class RelayDatabase(dict[str, Any]):
with self.config.db.open() as fd:
data = json.load(fd)
- self['version'] = data.get('version', None)
- self['private-key'] = data.get('private-key')
+ self["version"] = data.get("version", None)
+ self["private-key"] = data.get("private-key")
- if self['version'] is None:
- self['version'] = 1
+ if self["version"] is None:
+ self["version"] = 1
- if 'actorKeys' in data:
- self['private-key'] = data['actorKeys']['privateKey']
+ if "actorKeys" in data:
+ self["private-key"] = data["actorKeys"]["privateKey"]
- for item in data.get('relay-list', []):
+ for item in data.get("relay-list", []):
domain = urlparse(item).hostname
- self['relay-list'][domain] = {
- 'domain': domain,
- 'inbox': item,
- 'followid': None
+ self["relay-list"][domain] = {
+ "domain": domain,
+ "inbox": item,
+ "followid": None
- self['relay-list'] = data.get('relay-list', {})
+ self["relay-list"] = data.get("relay-list", {})
- for domain, instance in self['relay-list'].items():
- if not instance.get('domain'):
- instance['domain'] = domain
+ for domain, instance in self["relay-list"].items():
+ if not instance.get("domain"):
+ instance["domain"] = domain
except FileNotFoundError:
diff --git a/relay/config.py b/relay/config.py
index e40cf70..6f31e9a 100644
--- a/relay/config.py
+++ b/relay/config.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
from typing import Self
-if platform.system() == 'Windows':
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
import multiprocessing
CORE_COUNT = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ else:
- 'listen': '',
- 'port': 8080,
- 'sq_path': '/data/relay.sqlite3'
+ "listen": "",
+ "port": 8080,
+ "sq_path": "/data/relay.sqlite3"
@@ -37,26 +37,26 @@ class NOVALUE:
@dataclass(init = False)
class Config:
- listen: str = ''
+ listen: str = ""
port: int = 8080
- domain: str = 'relay.example.com'
+ domain: str = "relay.example.com"
workers: int = CORE_COUNT
- db_type: str = 'sqlite'
- ca_type: str = 'database'
- sq_path: str = 'relay.sqlite3'
+ db_type: str = "sqlite"
+ ca_type: str = "database"
+ sq_path: str = "relay.sqlite3"
- pg_host: str = '/var/run/postgresql'
+ pg_host: str = "/var/run/postgresql"
pg_port: int = 5432
pg_user: str = getpass.getuser()
pg_pass: str | None = None
- pg_name: str = 'activityrelay'
+ pg_name: str = "activityrelay"
- rd_host: str = 'localhost'
+ rd_host: str = "localhost"
rd_port: int = 6470
rd_user: str | None = None
rd_pass: str | None = None
rd_database: int = 0
- rd_prefix: str = 'activityrelay'
+ rd_prefix: str = "activityrelay"
def __init__(self, path: Path | None = None, load: bool = False):
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@ class Config:
def actor(self) -> str:
- return f'https://{self.domain}/actor'
+ return f"https://{self.domain}/actor"
def inbox(self) -> str:
- return f'https://{self.domain}/inbox'
+ return f"https://{self.domain}/inbox"
def keyid(self) -> str:
- return f'{self.actor}#main-key'
+ return f"{self.actor}#main-key"
def load(self) -> None:
@@ -134,43 +134,43 @@ class Config:
options = {}
- options['Loader'] = yaml.FullLoader
+ options["Loader"] = yaml.FullLoader
except AttributeError:
- with self.path.open('r', encoding = 'UTF-8') as fd:
+ with self.path.open("r", encoding = "UTF-8") as fd:
config = yaml.load(fd, **options)
if not config:
- raise ValueError('Config is empty')
+ raise ValueError("Config is empty")
- pgcfg = config.get('postgres', {})
- rdcfg = config.get('redis', {})
+ pgcfg = config.get("postgres", {})
+ rdcfg = config.get("redis", {})
for key in type(self).KEYS():
- if IS_DOCKER and key in {'listen', 'port', 'sq_path'}:
+ if IS_DOCKER and key in {"listen", "port", "sq_path"}:
self.set(key, DOCKER_VALUES[key])
- if key.startswith('pg'):
+ if key.startswith("pg"):
self.set(key, pgcfg.get(key[3:], NOVALUE))
- elif key.startswith('rd'):
+ elif key.startswith("rd"):
self.set(key, rdcfg.get(key[3:], NOVALUE))
cfgkey = key
- if key == 'db_type':
- cfgkey = 'database_type'
+ if key == "db_type":
+ cfgkey = "database_type"
- elif key == 'ca_type':
- cfgkey = 'cache_type'
+ elif key == "ca_type":
+ cfgkey = "cache_type"
- elif key == 'sq_path':
- cfgkey = 'sqlite_path'
+ elif key == "sq_path":
+ cfgkey = "sqlite_path"
self.set(key, config.get(cfgkey, NOVALUE))
@@ -186,32 +186,32 @@ class Config:
data: dict[str, Any] = {}
for key, value in asdict(self).items():
- if key.startswith('pg_'):
- if 'postgres' not in data:
- data['postgres'] = {}
+ if key.startswith("pg_"):
+ if "postgres" not in data:
+ data["postgres"] = {}
- data['postgres'][key[3:]] = value
+ data["postgres"][key[3:]] = value
- if key.startswith('rd_'):
- if 'redis' not in data:
- data['redis'] = {}
+ if key.startswith("rd_"):
+ if "redis" not in data:
+ data["redis"] = {}
- data['redis'][key[3:]] = value
+ data["redis"][key[3:]] = value
- if key == 'db_type':
- key = 'database_type'
+ if key == "db_type":
+ key = "database_type"
- elif key == 'ca_type':
- key = 'cache_type'
+ elif key == "ca_type":
+ key = "cache_type"
- elif key == 'sq_path':
- key = 'sqlite_path'
+ elif key == "sq_path":
+ key = "sqlite_path"
data[key] = value
- with self.path.open('w', encoding = 'utf-8') as fd:
+ with self.path.open("w", encoding = "utf-8") as fd:
yaml.dump(data, fd, sort_keys = False)
diff --git a/relay/database/__init__.py b/relay/database/__init__.py
index db5120b..17f5a40 100644
--- a/relay/database/__init__.py
+++ b/relay/database/__init__.py
@@ -16,17 +16,17 @@ sqlite3.register_adapter(Date, Date.timestamp)
def get_database(config: Config, migrate: bool = True) -> Database[Connection]:
options = {
- 'connection_class': Connection,
- 'pool_size': 5,
- 'tables': TABLES
+ "connection_class": Connection,
+ "pool_size": 5,
+ "tables": TABLES
db: Database[Connection]
- if config.db_type == 'sqlite':
+ if config.db_type == "sqlite":
db = Database.sqlite(config.sqlite_path, **options)
- elif config.db_type == 'postgres':
+ elif config.db_type == "postgres":
db = Database.postgresql(
@@ -36,30 +36,30 @@ def get_database(config: Config, migrate: bool = True) -> Database[Connection]:
- db.load_prepared_statements(File.from_resource('relay', 'data/statements.sql'))
+ db.load_prepared_statements(File.from_resource("relay", "data/statements.sql"))
if not migrate:
return db
with db.session(True) as conn:
- if 'config' not in conn.get_tables():
+ if "config" not in conn.get_tables():
logging.info("Creating database tables")
return db
- if (schema_ver := conn.get_config('schema-version')) < ConfigData.DEFAULT('schema-version'):
+ if (schema_ver := conn.get_config("schema-version")) < ConfigData.DEFAULT("schema-version"):
logging.info("Migrating database from version '%i'", schema_ver)
for ver, func in VERSIONS.items():
if schema_ver < ver:
- conn.put_config('schema-version', ver)
+ conn.put_config("schema-version", ver)
logging.info("Updated database to %i", ver)
- if (privkey := conn.get_config('private-key')):
+ if (privkey := conn.get_config("private-key")):
conn.app.signer = privkey
- logging.set_level(conn.get_config('log-level'))
+ logging.set_level(conn.get_config("log-level"))
return db
diff --git a/relay/database/config.py b/relay/database/config.py
index acb6f1e..3884813 100644
--- a/relay/database/config.py
+++ b/relay/database/config.py
@@ -15,76 +15,76 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
- 'default': {
- 'text': '#DDD',
- 'background': '#222',
- 'primary': '#D85',
- 'primary-hover': '#DA8',
- 'section-background': '#333',
- 'table-background': '#444',
- 'border': '#444',
- 'message-text': '#DDD',
- 'message-background': '#335',
- 'message-border': '#446',
- 'error-text': '#DDD',
- 'error-background': '#533',
- 'error-border': '#644'
+ "default": {
+ "text": "#DDD",
+ "background": "#222",
+ "primary": "#D85",
+ "primary-hover": "#DA8",
+ "section-background": "#333",
+ "table-background": "#444",
+ "border": "#444",
+ "message-text": "#DDD",
+ "message-background": "#335",
+ "message-border": "#446",
+ "error-text": "#DDD",
+ "error-background": "#533",
+ "error-border": "#644"
- 'pink': {
- 'text': '#DDD',
- 'background': '#222',
- 'primary': '#D69',
- 'primary-hover': '#D36',
- 'section-background': '#333',
- 'table-background': '#444',
- 'border': '#444',
- 'message-text': '#DDD',
- 'message-background': '#335',
- 'message-border': '#446',
- 'error-text': '#DDD',
- 'error-background': '#533',
- 'error-border': '#644'
+ "pink": {
+ "text": "#DDD",
+ "background": "#222",
+ "primary": "#D69",
+ "primary-hover": "#D36",
+ "section-background": "#333",
+ "table-background": "#444",
+ "border": "#444",
+ "message-text": "#DDD",
+ "message-background": "#335",
+ "message-border": "#446",
+ "error-text": "#DDD",
+ "error-background": "#533",
+ "error-border": "#644"
- 'blue': {
- 'text': '#DDD',
- 'background': '#222',
- 'primary': '#69D',
- 'primary-hover': '#36D',
- 'section-background': '#333',
- 'table-background': '#444',
- 'border': '#444',
- 'message-text': '#DDD',
- 'message-background': '#335',
- 'message-border': '#446',
- 'error-text': '#DDD',
- 'error-background': '#533',
- 'error-border': '#644'
+ "blue": {
+ "text": "#DDD",
+ "background": "#222",
+ "primary": "#69D",
+ "primary-hover": "#36D",
+ "section-background": "#333",
+ "table-background": "#444",
+ "border": "#444",
+ "message-text": "#DDD",
+ "message-background": "#335",
+ "message-border": "#446",
+ "error-text": "#DDD",
+ "error-background": "#533",
+ "error-border": "#644"
# serializer | deserializer
CONFIG_CONVERT: dict[str, tuple[Callable[[Any], str], Callable[[str], Any]]] = {
- 'str': (str, str),
- 'int': (str, int),
- 'bool': (str, convert_to_boolean),
- 'logging.LogLevel': (lambda x: x.name, logging.LogLevel.parse)
+ "str": (str, str),
+ "int": (str, int),
+ "bool": (str, convert_to_boolean),
+ "logging.LogLevel": (lambda x: x.name, logging.LogLevel.parse)
class ConfigData:
schema_version: int = 20240625
- private_key: str = ''
+ private_key: str = ""
approval_required: bool = False
log_level: logging.LogLevel = logging.LogLevel.INFO
- name: str = 'ActivityRelay'
- note: str = ''
- theme: str = 'default'
+ name: str = "ActivityRelay"
+ note: str = ""
+ theme: str = "default"
whitelist_enabled: bool = False
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any:
- if (value := getattr(self, key.replace('-', '_'), None)) is None:
+ if (value := getattr(self, key.replace("-", "_"), None)) is None:
raise KeyError(key)
return value
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class ConfigData:
def SYSTEM_KEYS() -> Sequence[str]:
- return ('schema-version', 'schema_version', 'private-key', 'private_key')
+ return ("schema-version", "schema_version", "private-key", "private_key")
@@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ class ConfigData:
def DEFAULT(cls: type[Self], key: str) -> str | int | bool:
- return cls.FIELD(key.replace('-', '_')).default # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return cls.FIELD(key.replace("-", "_")).default # type: ignore[return-value]
def FIELD(cls: type[Self], key: str) -> Field[str | int | bool]:
- parsed_key = key.replace('-', '_')
+ parsed_key = key.replace("-", "_")
for field in fields(cls):
if field.name == parsed_key:
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ class ConfigData:
set_schema_version = False
for row in rows:
- data.set(row['key'], row['value'])
+ data.set(row["key"], row["value"])
- if row['key'] == 'schema-version':
+ if row["key"] == "schema-version":
set_schema_version = True
if not set_schema_version:
@@ -161,4 +161,4 @@ class ConfigData:
def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
- return {key.replace('_', '-'): value for key, value in asdict(self).items()}
+ return {key.replace("_", "-"): value for key, value in asdict(self).items()}
diff --git a/relay/database/connection.py b/relay/database/connection.py
index 8e94627..eb66973 100644
--- a/relay/database/connection.py
+++ b/relay/database/connection.py
@@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
from ..application import Application
- 'activityrelay', # https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/relay
- 'activity-relay', # https://github.com/yukimochi/Activity-Relay
- 'aoderelay', # https://git.asonix.dog/asonix/relay
- 'feditools-relay' # https://git.ptzo.gdn/feditools/relay
+ "activityrelay", # https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/relay
+ "activity-relay", # https://github.com/yukimochi/Activity-Relay
+ "aoderelay", # https://git.asonix.dog/asonix/relay
+ "feditools-relay" # https://git.ptzo.gdn/feditools/relay
class Connection(SqlConnection):
hasher = PasswordHasher(
- encoding = 'utf-8'
+ encoding = "utf-8"
@@ -63,49 +63,49 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
def fix_timestamps(self) -> None:
- for app in self.select('apps').all(schema.App):
- data = {'created': app.created.timestamp(), 'accessed': app.accessed.timestamp()}
- self.update('apps', data, client_id = app.client_id)
+ for app in self.select("apps").all(schema.App):
+ data = {"created": app.created.timestamp(), "accessed": app.accessed.timestamp()}
+ self.update("apps", data, client_id = app.client_id)
- for item in self.select('cache'):
- data = {'updated': Date.parse(item['updated']).timestamp()}
- self.update('cache', data, id = item['id'])
+ for item in self.select("cache"):
+ data = {"updated": Date.parse(item["updated"]).timestamp()}
+ self.update("cache", data, id = item["id"])
- for dban in self.select('domain_bans').all(schema.DomainBan):
- data = {'created': dban.created.timestamp()}
- self.update('domain_bans', data, domain = dban.domain)
+ for dban in self.select("domain_bans").all(schema.DomainBan):
+ data = {"created": dban.created.timestamp()}
+ self.update("domain_bans", data, domain = dban.domain)
- for instance in self.select('inboxes').all(schema.Instance):
- data = {'created': instance.created.timestamp()}
- self.update('inboxes', data, domain = instance.domain)
+ for instance in self.select("inboxes").all(schema.Instance):
+ data = {"created": instance.created.timestamp()}
+ self.update("inboxes", data, domain = instance.domain)
- for sban in self.select('software_bans').all(schema.SoftwareBan):
- data = {'created': sban.created.timestamp()}
- self.update('software_bans', data, name = sban.name)
+ for sban in self.select("software_bans").all(schema.SoftwareBan):
+ data = {"created": sban.created.timestamp()}
+ self.update("software_bans", data, name = sban.name)
- for user in self.select('users').all(schema.User):
- data = {'created': user.created.timestamp()}
- self.update('users', data, username = user.username)
+ for user in self.select("users").all(schema.User):
+ data = {"created": user.created.timestamp()}
+ self.update("users", data, username = user.username)
- for wlist in self.select('whitelist').all(schema.Whitelist):
- data = {'created': wlist.created.timestamp()}
- self.update('whitelist', data, domain = wlist.domain)
+ for wlist in self.select("whitelist").all(schema.Whitelist):
+ data = {"created": wlist.created.timestamp()}
+ self.update("whitelist", data, domain = wlist.domain)
def get_config(self, key: str) -> Any:
- key = key.replace('_', '-')
+ key = key.replace("_", "-")
- with self.run('get-config', {'key': key}) as cur:
+ with self.run("get-config", {"key": key}) as cur:
if (row := cur.one(Row)) is None:
return ConfigData.DEFAULT(key)
data = ConfigData()
- data.set(row['key'], row['value'])
+ data.set(row["key"], row["value"])
return data.get(key)
def get_config_all(self) -> ConfigData:
- rows = tuple(self.run('get-config-all', None).all(schema.Row))
+ rows = tuple(self.run("get-config-all", None).all(schema.Row))
return ConfigData.from_rows(rows)
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
case "log_level":
value = logging.LogLevel.parse(value)
- self.app['workers'].set_log_level(value)
+ self.app["workers"].set_log_level(value)
case "approval_required":
value = convert_to_boolean(value)
@@ -129,25 +129,25 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
case "theme":
if value not in THEMES:
- raise ValueError(f'"{value}" is not a valid theme')
+ raise ValueError(f"\"{value}\" is not a valid theme")
data = ConfigData()
data.set(key, value)
params = {
- 'key': key,
- 'value': data.get(key, serialize = True),
- 'type': 'LogLevel' if field.type == 'logging.LogLevel' else field.type # type: ignore
+ "key": key,
+ "value": data.get(key, serialize = True),
+ "type": "LogLevel" if field.type == "logging.LogLevel" else field.type # type: ignore
- with self.run('put-config', params):
+ with self.run("put-config", params):
return data.get(key)
def get_inbox(self, value: str) -> schema.Instance | None:
- with self.run('get-inbox', {'value': value}) as cur:
+ with self.run("get-inbox", {"value": value}) as cur:
return cur.one(schema.Instance)
@@ -165,21 +165,21 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
accepted: bool = True) -> schema.Instance:
params: dict[str, Any] = {
- 'inbox': inbox,
- 'actor': actor,
- 'followid': followid,
- 'software': software,
- 'accepted': accepted
+ "inbox": inbox,
+ "actor": actor,
+ "followid": followid,
+ "software": software,
+ "accepted": accepted
if self.get_inbox(domain) is None:
if not inbox:
raise ValueError("Missing inbox")
- params['domain'] = domain
- params['created'] = datetime.now(tz = timezone.utc)
+ params["domain"] = domain
+ params["created"] = datetime.now(tz = timezone.utc)
- with self.run('put-inbox', params) as cur:
+ with self.run("put-inbox", params) as cur:
if (row := cur.one(schema.Instance)) is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to insert instance: {domain}")
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
if value is None:
del params[key]
- with self.update('inboxes', params, domain = domain) as cur:
+ with self.update("inboxes", params, domain = domain) as cur:
if (row := cur.one(schema.Instance)) is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to update instance: {domain}")
@@ -197,20 +197,20 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
def del_inbox(self, value: str) -> bool:
- with self.run('del-inbox', {'value': value}) as cur:
+ with self.run("del-inbox", {"value": value}) as cur:
if cur.row_count > 1:
- raise ValueError('More than one row was modified')
+ raise ValueError("More than one row was modified")
return cur.row_count == 1
def get_request(self, domain: str) -> schema.Instance | None:
- with self.run('get-request', {'domain': domain}) as cur:
+ with self.run("get-request", {"domain": domain}) as cur:
return cur.one(schema.Instance)
def get_requests(self) -> Iterator[schema.Instance]:
- return self.execute('SELECT * FROM inboxes WHERE accepted = false').all(schema.Instance)
+ return self.execute("SELECT * FROM inboxes WHERE accepted = false").all(schema.Instance)
def put_request_response(self, domain: str, accepted: bool) -> schema.Instance:
@@ -219,16 +219,16 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
if not accepted:
if not self.del_inbox(domain):
- raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to delete request: {domain}')
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to delete request: {domain}")
return instance
params = {
- 'domain': domain,
- 'accepted': accepted
+ "domain": domain,
+ "accepted": accepted
- with self.run('put-inbox-accept', params) as cur:
+ with self.run("put-inbox-accept", params) as cur:
if (row := cur.one(schema.Instance)) is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to insert response for domain: {domain}")
@@ -236,12 +236,12 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
def get_user(self, value: str) -> schema.User | None:
- with self.run('get-user', {'value': value}) as cur:
+ with self.run("get-user", {"value": value}) as cur:
return cur.one(schema.User)
def get_user_by_token(self, token: str) -> schema.User | None:
- with self.run('get-user-by-token', {'token': token}) as cur:
+ with self.run("get-user-by-token", {"token": token}) as cur:
return cur.one(schema.User)
@@ -254,10 +254,10 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
data: dict[str, str | datetime | None] = {}
if password:
- data['hash'] = self.hasher.hash(password)
+ data["hash"] = self.hasher.hash(password)
if handle:
- data['handle'] = handle
+ data["handle"] = handle
stmt = Update("users", data)
stmt.set_where("username", username)
@@ -269,16 +269,16 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
return row
if password is None:
- raise ValueError('Password cannot be empty')
+ raise ValueError("Password cannot be empty")
data = {
- 'username': username,
- 'hash': self.hasher.hash(password),
- 'handle': handle,
- 'created': datetime.now(tz = timezone.utc)
+ "username": username,
+ "hash": self.hasher.hash(password),
+ "handle": handle,
+ "created": datetime.now(tz = timezone.utc)
- with self.run('put-user', data) as cur:
+ with self.run("put-user", data) as cur:
if (row := cur.one(schema.User)) is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to insert user: {username}")
@@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
if (user := self.get_user(username)) is None:
raise KeyError(username)
- with self.run('del-token-user', {'username': user.username}):
+ with self.run("del-token-user", {"username": user.username}):
- with self.run('del-user', {'username': user.username}):
+ with self.run("del-user", {"username": user.username}):
@@ -302,61 +302,61 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
token: str | None = None) -> schema.App | None:
params = {
- 'id': client_id,
- 'secret': client_secret
+ "id": client_id,
+ "secret": client_secret
if token is not None:
- command = 'get-app-with-token'
- params['token'] = token
+ command = "get-app-with-token"
+ params["token"] = token
- command = 'get-app'
+ command = "get-app"
with self.run(command, params) as cur:
return cur.one(schema.App)
def get_app_by_token(self, token: str) -> schema.App | None:
- with self.run('get-app-by-token', {'token': token}) as cur:
+ with self.run("get-app-by-token", {"token": token}) as cur:
return cur.one(schema.App)
def put_app(self, name: str, redirect_uri: str, website: str | None = None) -> schema.App:
params = {
- 'name': name,
- 'redirect_uri': redirect_uri,
- 'website': website,
- 'client_id': secrets.token_hex(20),
- 'client_secret': secrets.token_hex(20),
- 'created': Date.new_utc(),
- 'accessed': Date.new_utc()
+ "name": name,
+ "redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
+ "website": website,
+ "client_id": secrets.token_hex(20),
+ "client_secret": secrets.token_hex(20),
+ "created": Date.new_utc(),
+ "accessed": Date.new_utc()
- with self.insert('apps', params) as cur:
+ with self.insert("apps", params) as cur:
if (row := cur.one(schema.App)) is None:
- raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to insert app: {name}')
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to insert app: {name}")
return row
def put_app_login(self, user: schema.User) -> schema.App:
params = {
- 'name': 'Web',
- 'redirect_uri': 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob',
- 'website': None,
- 'user': user.username,
- 'client_id': secrets.token_hex(20),
- 'client_secret': secrets.token_hex(20),
- 'auth_code': None,
- 'token': secrets.token_hex(20),
- 'created': Date.new_utc(),
- 'accessed': Date.new_utc()
+ "name": "Web",
+ "redirect_uri": "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob",
+ "website": None,
+ "user": user.username,
+ "client_id": secrets.token_hex(20),
+ "client_secret": secrets.token_hex(20),
+ "auth_code": None,
+ "token": secrets.token_hex(20),
+ "created": Date.new_utc(),
+ "accessed": Date.new_utc()
- with self.insert('apps', params) as cur:
+ with self.insert("apps", params) as cur:
if (row := cur.one(schema.App)) is None:
- raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to create app for "{user.username}"')
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to create app for \"{user.username}\"")
return row
@@ -365,52 +365,52 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
data: dict[str, str | None] = {}
if user is not None:
- data['user'] = user.username
+ data["user"] = user.username
if set_auth:
- data['auth_code'] = secrets.token_hex(20)
+ data["auth_code"] = secrets.token_hex(20)
- data['token'] = secrets.token_hex(20)
- data['auth_code'] = None
+ data["token"] = secrets.token_hex(20)
+ data["auth_code"] = None
params = {
- 'client_id': app.client_id,
- 'client_secret': app.client_secret
+ "client_id": app.client_id,
+ "client_secret": app.client_secret
- with self.update('apps', data, **params) as cur: # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ with self.update("apps", data, **params) as cur: # type: ignore[arg-type]
if (row := cur.one(schema.App)) is None:
- raise RuntimeError('Failed to update row')
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to update row")
return row
def del_app(self, client_id: str, client_secret: str, token: str | None = None) -> bool:
params = {
- 'id': client_id,
- 'secret': client_secret
+ "id": client_id,
+ "secret": client_secret
if token is not None:
- command = 'del-app-with-token'
- params['token'] = token
+ command = "del-app-with-token"
+ params["token"] = token
- command = 'del-app'
+ command = "del-app"
with self.run(command, params) as cur:
if cur.row_count > 1:
- raise RuntimeError('More than 1 row was deleted')
+ raise RuntimeError("More than 1 row was deleted")
return cur.row_count == 0
def get_domain_ban(self, domain: str) -> schema.DomainBan | None:
- if domain.startswith('http'):
+ if domain.startswith("http"):
domain = urlparse(domain).netloc
- with self.run('get-domain-ban', {'domain': domain}) as cur:
+ with self.run("get-domain-ban", {"domain": domain}) as cur:
return cur.one(schema.DomainBan)
@@ -424,13 +424,13 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
note: str | None = None) -> schema.DomainBan:
params = {
- 'domain': domain,
- 'reason': reason,
- 'note': note,
- 'created': datetime.now(tz = timezone.utc)
+ "domain": domain,
+ "reason": reason,
+ "note": note,
+ "created": datetime.now(tz = timezone.utc)
- with self.run('put-domain-ban', params) as cur:
+ with self.run("put-domain-ban", params) as cur:
if (row := cur.one(schema.DomainBan)) is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to insert domain ban: {domain}")
@@ -443,22 +443,22 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
note: str | None = None) -> schema.DomainBan:
if not (reason or note):
- raise ValueError('"reason" and/or "note" must be specified')
+ raise ValueError("\"reason\" and/or \"note\" must be specified")
params = {}
if reason is not None:
- params['reason'] = reason
+ params["reason"] = reason
if note is not None:
- params['note'] = note
+ params["note"] = note
- statement = Update('domain_bans', params)
+ statement = Update("domain_bans", params)
statement.set_where("domain", domain)
with self.query(statement) as cur:
if cur.row_count > 1:
- raise ValueError('More than one row was modified')
+ raise ValueError("More than one row was modified")
if (row := cur.one(schema.DomainBan)) is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to update domain ban: {domain}")
@@ -467,20 +467,20 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
def del_domain_ban(self, domain: str) -> bool:
- with self.run('del-domain-ban', {'domain': domain}) as cur:
+ with self.run("del-domain-ban", {"domain": domain}) as cur:
if cur.row_count > 1:
- raise ValueError('More than one row was modified')
+ raise ValueError("More than one row was modified")
return cur.row_count == 1
def get_software_ban(self, name: str) -> schema.SoftwareBan | None:
- with self.run('get-software-ban', {'name': name}) as cur:
+ with self.run("get-software-ban", {"name": name}) as cur:
return cur.one(schema.SoftwareBan)
def get_software_bans(self) -> Iterator[schema.SoftwareBan,]:
- return self.execute('SELECT * FROM software_bans').all(schema.SoftwareBan)
+ return self.execute("SELECT * FROM software_bans").all(schema.SoftwareBan)
def put_software_ban(self,
@@ -489,15 +489,15 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
note: str | None = None) -> schema.SoftwareBan:
params = {
- 'name': name,
- 'reason': reason,
- 'note': note,
- 'created': datetime.now(tz = timezone.utc)
+ "name": name,
+ "reason": reason,
+ "note": note,
+ "created": datetime.now(tz = timezone.utc)
- with self.run('put-software-ban', params) as cur:
+ with self.run("put-software-ban", params) as cur:
if (row := cur.one(schema.SoftwareBan)) is None:
- raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to insert software ban: {name}')
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to insert software ban: {name}")
return row
@@ -508,39 +508,39 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
note: str | None = None) -> schema.SoftwareBan:
if not (reason or note):
- raise ValueError('"reason" and/or "note" must be specified')
+ raise ValueError("\"reason\" and/or \"note\" must be specified")
params = {}
if reason is not None:
- params['reason'] = reason
+ params["reason"] = reason
if note is not None:
- params['note'] = note
+ params["note"] = note
- statement = Update('software_bans', params)
+ statement = Update("software_bans", params)
statement.set_where("name", name)
with self.query(statement) as cur:
if cur.row_count > 1:
- raise ValueError('More than one row was modified')
+ raise ValueError("More than one row was modified")
if (row := cur.one(schema.SoftwareBan)) is None:
- raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to update software ban: {name}')
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to update software ban: {name}")
return row
def del_software_ban(self, name: str) -> bool:
- with self.run('del-software-ban', {'name': name}) as cur:
+ with self.run("del-software-ban", {"name": name}) as cur:
if cur.row_count > 1:
- raise ValueError('More than one row was modified')
+ raise ValueError("More than one row was modified")
return cur.row_count == 1
def get_domain_whitelist(self, domain: str) -> schema.Whitelist | None:
- with self.run('get-domain-whitelist', {'domain': domain}) as cur:
+ with self.run("get-domain-whitelist", {"domain": domain}) as cur:
return cur.one()
@@ -550,20 +550,20 @@ class Connection(SqlConnection):
def put_domain_whitelist(self, domain: str) -> schema.Whitelist:
params = {
- 'domain': domain,
- 'created': datetime.now(tz = timezone.utc)
+ "domain": domain,
+ "created": datetime.now(tz = timezone.utc)
- with self.run('put-domain-whitelist', params) as cur:
+ with self.run("put-domain-whitelist", params) as cur:
if (row := cur.one(schema.Whitelist)) is None:
- raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to insert whitelisted domain: {domain}')
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to insert whitelisted domain: {domain}")
return row
def del_domain_whitelist(self, domain: str) -> bool:
- with self.run('del-domain-whitelist', {'domain': domain}) as cur:
+ with self.run("del-domain-whitelist", {"domain": domain}) as cur:
if cur.row_count > 1:
- raise ValueError('More than one row was modified')
+ raise ValueError("More than one row was modified")
return cur.row_count == 1
diff --git a/relay/database/schema.py b/relay/database/schema.py
index 55ca608..4b06aad 100644
--- a/relay/database/schema.py
+++ b/relay/database/schema.py
@@ -32,113 +32,113 @@ def deserialize_timestamp(value: Any) -> Date:
class Config(Row):
- key: Column[str] = Column('key', 'text', primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = False)
- value: Column[str] = Column('value', 'text')
- type: Column[str] = Column('type', 'text', default = 'str')
+ key: Column[str] = Column("key", "text", primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = False)
+ value: Column[str] = Column("value", "text")
+ type: Column[str] = Column("type", "text", default = "str")
class Instance(Row):
- table_name: str = 'inboxes'
+ table_name: str = "inboxes"
domain: Column[str] = Column(
- 'domain', 'text', primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = False)
- actor: Column[str] = Column('actor', 'text', unique = True)
- inbox: Column[str] = Column('inbox', 'text', unique = True, nullable = False)
- followid: Column[str] = Column('followid', 'text')
- software: Column[str] = Column('software', 'text')
- accepted: Column[Date] = Column('accepted', 'boolean')
+ "domain", "text", primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = False)
+ actor: Column[str] = Column("actor", "text", unique = True)
+ inbox: Column[str] = Column("inbox", "text", unique = True, nullable = False)
+ followid: Column[str] = Column("followid", "text")
+ software: Column[str] = Column("software", "text")
+ accepted: Column[Date] = Column("accepted", "boolean")
created: Column[Date] = Column(
- 'created', 'timestamp', nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
+ "created", "timestamp", nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
class Whitelist(Row):
domain: Column[str] = Column(
- 'domain', 'text', primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = True)
+ "domain", "text", primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = True)
created: Column[Date] = Column(
- 'created', 'timestamp', nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
+ "created", "timestamp", nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
class DomainBan(Row):
- table_name: str = 'domain_bans'
+ table_name: str = "domain_bans"
domain: Column[str] = Column(
- 'domain', 'text', primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = True)
- reason: Column[str] = Column('reason', 'text')
- note: Column[str] = Column('note', 'text')
+ "domain", "text", primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = True)
+ reason: Column[str] = Column("reason", "text")
+ note: Column[str] = Column("note", "text")
created: Column[Date] = Column(
- 'created', 'timestamp', nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
+ "created", "timestamp", nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
class SoftwareBan(Row):
- table_name: str = 'software_bans'
+ table_name: str = "software_bans"
- name: Column[str] = Column('name', 'text', primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = True)
- reason: Column[str] = Column('reason', 'text')
- note: Column[str] = Column('note', 'text')
+ name: Column[str] = Column("name", "text", primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = True)
+ reason: Column[str] = Column("reason", "text")
+ note: Column[str] = Column("note", "text")
created: Column[Date] = Column(
- 'created', 'timestamp', nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
+ "created", "timestamp", nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
class User(Row):
- table_name: str = 'users'
+ table_name: str = "users"
username: Column[str] = Column(
- 'username', 'text', primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = False)
- hash: Column[str] = Column('hash', 'text', nullable = False)
- handle: Column[str] = Column('handle', 'text')
+ "username", "text", primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = False)
+ hash: Column[str] = Column("hash", "text", nullable = False)
+ handle: Column[str] = Column("handle", "text")
created: Column[Date] = Column(
- 'created', 'timestamp', nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
+ "created", "timestamp", nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
class App(Row):
- table_name: str = 'apps'
+ table_name: str = "apps"
client_id: Column[str] = Column(
- 'client_id', 'text', primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = False)
- client_secret: Column[str] = Column('client_secret', 'text', nullable = False)
- name: Column[str] = Column('name', 'text')
- website: Column[str] = Column('website', 'text')
- redirect_uri: Column[str] = Column('redirect_uri', 'text', nullable = False)
- token: Column[str | None] = Column('token', 'text')
- auth_code: Column[str | None] = Column('auth_code', 'text')
- user: Column[str | None] = Column('user', 'text')
+ "client_id", "text", primary_key = True, unique = True, nullable = False)
+ client_secret: Column[str] = Column("client_secret", "text", nullable = False)
+ name: Column[str] = Column("name", "text")
+ website: Column[str] = Column("website", "text")
+ redirect_uri: Column[str] = Column("redirect_uri", "text", nullable = False)
+ token: Column[str | None] = Column("token", "text")
+ auth_code: Column[str | None] = Column("auth_code", "text")
+ user: Column[str | None] = Column("user", "text")
created: Column[Date] = Column(
- 'created', 'timestamp', nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
+ "created", "timestamp", nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
accessed: Column[Date] = Column(
- 'accessed', 'timestamp', nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
+ "accessed", "timestamp", nullable = False, deserializer = deserialize_timestamp)
def get_api_data(self, include_token: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]:
data = deepcopy(self)
- data.pop('user')
- data.pop('auth_code')
+ data.pop("user")
+ data.pop("auth_code")
if not include_token:
- data.pop('token')
+ data.pop("token")
return data
def migration(func: Callable[[Connection], None]) -> Callable[[Connection], None]:
- ver = int(func.__name__.replace('migrate_', ''))
+ ver = int(func.__name__.replace("migrate_", ""))
VERSIONS[ver] = func
return func
def migrate_0(conn: Connection) -> None:
- conn.put_config('schema-version', ConfigData.DEFAULT('schema-version'))
+ conn.put_config("schema-version", ConfigData.DEFAULT("schema-version"))
@@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ def migrate_20240206(conn: Connection) -> None:
def migrate_20240310(conn: Connection) -> None:
- conn.execute('ALTER TABLE "inboxes" ADD COLUMN "accepted" BOOLEAN').close()
- conn.execute('UPDATE "inboxes" SET "accepted" = true').close()
+ conn.execute("ALTER TABLE \"inboxes\" ADD COLUMN \"accepted\" BOOLEAN").close()
+ conn.execute("UPDATE \"inboxes\" SET \"accepted\" = true").close()
def migrate_20240625(conn: Connection) -> None:
- conn.execute('DROP TABLE "tokens"').close()
+ conn.execute("DROP TABLE \"tokens\"").close()
diff --git a/relay/http_client.py b/relay/http_client.py
index 8548dcc..3c707bc 100644
--- a/relay/http_client.py
+++ b/relay/http_client.py
@@ -17,6 +17,13 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
from .application import Application
+T = TypeVar("T", bound = JsonBase[Any])
+ "Accept": f"{MIMETYPES["activity"]}, {MIMETYPES["json"]};q=0.9",
+ "User-Agent": f"ActivityRelay/{__version__}"
@@ -32,12 +39,6 @@ SUPPORTS_HS2019 = {
-T = TypeVar('T', bound = JsonBase[Any])
- 'Accept': f'{MIMETYPES["activity"]}, {MIMETYPES["json"]};q=0.9',
- 'User-Agent': f'ActivityRelay/{__version__}'
class HttpClient:
def __init__(self, limit: int = 100, timeout: int = 10):
@@ -106,25 +107,25 @@ class HttpClient:
old_algo: bool) -> str | None:
if not self._session:
- raise RuntimeError('Client not open')
+ raise RuntimeError("Client not open")
url = url.split("#", 1)[0]
if not force:
- if not (item := self.cache.get('request', url)).older_than(48):
+ if not (item := self.cache.get("request", url)).older_than(48):
return item.value # type: ignore [no-any-return]
except KeyError:
- logging.verbose('No cached data for url: %s', url)
+ logging.verbose("No cached data for url: %s", url)
headers = {}
if sign_headers:
algo = AlgorithmType.RSASHA256 if old_algo else AlgorithmType.HS2019
- headers = self.signer.sign_headers('GET', url, algorithm = algo)
+ headers = self.signer.sign_headers("GET", url, algorithm = algo)
- logging.debug('Fetching resource: %s', url)
+ logging.debug("Fetching resource: %s", url)
async with self._session.get(url, headers = headers) as resp:
# Not expecting a response with 202s, so just return
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ class HttpClient:
raise HttpError(resp.status, error)
- self.cache.set('request', url, data, 'str')
+ self.cache.set("request", url, data, "str")
return data
@@ -172,13 +173,13 @@ class HttpClient:
old_algo: bool = True) -> T | str | None:
if cls is not None and not issubclass(cls, JsonBase):
- raise TypeError('cls must be a sub-class of "blib.JsonBase"')
+ raise TypeError("cls must be a sub-class of \"blib.JsonBase\"")
data = await self._get(url, sign_headers, force, old_algo)
if cls is not None:
if data is None:
- # this shouldn't actually get raised, but keeping just in case
+ # this shouldn"t actually get raised, but keeping just in case
raise EmptyBodyError(f"GET {url}")
return cls.parse(data)
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ class HttpClient:
async def post(self, url: str, data: Message | bytes, instance: Instance | None = None) -> None:
if not self._session:
- raise RuntimeError('Client not open')
+ raise RuntimeError("Client not open")
# akkoma and pleroma do not support HS2019 and other software still needs to be tested
if instance is not None and instance.software in SUPPORTS_HS2019:
@@ -210,14 +211,14 @@ class HttpClient:
mtype = message.type.value if isinstance(message.type, ObjectType) else message.type
headers = self.signer.sign_headers(
- 'POST',
+ "POST",
- headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/activity+json'},
+ headers = {"Content-Type": "application/activity+json"},
algorithm = algorithm
- logging.verbose('Sending "%s" to %s', mtype, url)
+ logging.verbose("Sending \"%s\" to %s", mtype, url)
async with self._session.post(url, headers = headers, data = body) as resp:
if resp.status not in (200, 202):
@@ -231,10 +232,10 @@ class HttpClient:
async def fetch_nodeinfo(self, domain: str, force: bool = False) -> Nodeinfo:
nodeinfo_url = None
wk_nodeinfo = await self.get(
- f'https://{domain}/.well-known/nodeinfo', False, WellKnownNodeinfo, force
+ f"https://{domain}/.well-known/nodeinfo", False, WellKnownNodeinfo, force
- for version in ('20', '21'):
+ for version in ("20", "21"):
nodeinfo_url = wk_nodeinfo.get_url(version)
@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ class HttpClient:
if nodeinfo_url is None:
- raise ValueError(f'Failed to fetch nodeinfo url for {domain}')
+ raise ValueError(f"Failed to fetch nodeinfo url for {domain}")
return await self.get(nodeinfo_url, False, Nodeinfo, force)
diff --git a/relay/logger.py b/relay/logger.py
index 7caac9f..bc55fa6 100644
--- a/relay/logger.py
+++ b/relay/logger.py
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class LogLevel(IntEnum):
except ValueError:
- raise AttributeError(f'Invalid enum property for {cls.__name__}: {data}')
+ raise AttributeError(f"Invalid enum property for {cls.__name__}: {data}")
def get_level() -> LogLevel:
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ critical: LoggingMethod = logging.critical
- env_log_file: Path | None = Path(os.environ['LOG_FILE']).expanduser().resolve()
+ env_log_file: Path | None = Path(os.environ["LOG_FILE"]).expanduser().resolve()
except KeyError:
env_log_file = None
@@ -90,16 +90,16 @@ handlers: list[Any] = [logging.StreamHandler()]
if env_log_file:
-if os.environ.get('IS_SYSTEMD'):
- logging_format = '%(levelname)s: %(message)s'
+if os.environ.get("IS_SYSTEMD"):
+ logging_format = "%(levelname)s: %(message)s"
- logging_format = '[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
+ logging_format = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
-logging.addLevelName(LogLevel.VERBOSE, 'VERBOSE')
+logging.addLevelName(LogLevel.VERBOSE, "VERBOSE")
level = LogLevel.INFO,
format = logging_format,
- datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
+ datefmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
handlers = handlers
diff --git a/relay/manage.py b/relay/manage.py
index 7322d44..0b17712 100644
--- a/relay/manage.py
+++ b/relay/manage.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import aputils
import asyncio
import click
import json
+import multiprocessing
import os
from pathlib import Path
@@ -24,26 +25,26 @@ from .views import ROUTES
def check_alphanumeric(text: str) -> str:
if not text.isalnum():
- raise click.BadParameter('String not alphanumeric')
+ raise click.BadParameter("String not alphanumeric")
return text
-@click.group('cli', context_settings = {'show_default': True})
-@click.option('--config', '-c', type = Path, help = 'path to the relay\'s config')
-@click.version_option(version = __version__, prog_name = 'ActivityRelay')
+@click.group("cli", context_settings = {"show_default": True})
+@click.option("--config", "-c", type = Path, help = "path to the relay config")
+@click.version_option(version = __version__, prog_name = "ActivityRelay")
def cli(ctx: click.Context, config: Path | None) -> None:
config = Path("/data/relay.yaml")
- # The database was named "relay.jsonld" even though it's an sqlite file. Fix it.
- db = Path('/data/relay.sqlite3')
- wrongdb = Path('/data/relay.jsonld')
+ # The database was named "relay.jsonld" even though it"s an sqlite file. Fix it.
+ db = Path("/data/relay.sqlite3")
+ wrongdb = Path("/data/relay.jsonld")
if wrongdb.exists() and not db.exists():
- with wrongdb.open('rb') as fd:
+ with wrongdb.open("rb") as fd:
except json.JSONDecodeError:
@@ -52,97 +53,97 @@ def cli(ctx: click.Context, config: Path | None) -> None:
ctx.obj = Application(config)
-@click.option('--skip-questions', '-s', is_flag = True, help = 'Just setup the database')
+@click.option("--skip-questions", "-s", is_flag = True, help = "Just setup the database")
def cli_setup(ctx: click.Context, skip_questions: bool) -> None:
- 'Generate a new config and create the database'
+ "Generate a new config and create the database"
if ctx.obj.signer is not None:
- if not click.prompt('The database is already setup. Are you sure you want to continue?'):
+ if not click.prompt("The database is already setup. Are you sure you want to continue?"):
- if skip_questions and ctx.obj.config.domain.endswith('example.com'):
- click.echo('You cannot skip the questions if the relay is not configured yet')
+ if skip_questions and ctx.obj.config.domain.endswith("example.com"):
+ click.echo("You cannot skip the questions if the relay is not configured yet")
if not skip_questions:
while True:
ctx.obj.config.domain = click.prompt(
- 'What domain will the relay be hosted on?',
+ "What domain will the relay be hosted on?",
default = ctx.obj.config.domain
- if not ctx.obj.config.domain.endswith('example.com'):
+ if not ctx.obj.config.domain.endswith("example.com"):
- click.echo('The domain must not end with "example.com"')
+ click.echo("The domain must not end with \"example.com\"")
if not IS_DOCKER:
ctx.obj.config.listen = click.prompt(
- 'Which address should the relay listen on?',
+ "Which address should the relay listen on?",
default = ctx.obj.config.listen
ctx.obj.config.port = click.prompt(
- 'What TCP port should the relay listen on?',
+ "What TCP port should the relay listen on?",
default = ctx.obj.config.port,
type = int
ctx.obj.config.db_type = click.prompt(
- 'Which database backend will be used?',
+ "Which database backend will be used?",
default = ctx.obj.config.db_type,
- type = click.Choice(['postgres', 'sqlite'], case_sensitive = False)
+ type = click.Choice(["postgres", "sqlite"], case_sensitive = False)
- if ctx.obj.config.db_type == 'sqlite' and not IS_DOCKER:
+ if ctx.obj.config.db_type == "sqlite" and not IS_DOCKER:
ctx.obj.config.sq_path = click.prompt(
- 'Where should the database be stored?',
+ "Where should the database be stored?",
default = ctx.obj.config.sq_path
- elif ctx.obj.config.db_type == 'postgres':
+ elif ctx.obj.config.db_type == "postgres":
ctx.obj.config.ca_type = click.prompt(
- 'Which caching backend?',
+ "Which caching backend?",
default = ctx.obj.config.ca_type,
- type = click.Choice(['database', 'redis'], case_sensitive = False)
+ type = click.Choice(["database", "redis"], case_sensitive = False)
- if ctx.obj.config.ca_type == 'redis':
+ if ctx.obj.config.ca_type == "redis":
ctx.obj.config.rd_host = click.prompt(
- 'What IP address, hostname, or unix socket does the server listen on?',
+ "What IP address, hostname, or unix socket does the server listen on?",
default = ctx.obj.config.rd_host
ctx.obj.config.rd_port = click.prompt(
- 'What port does the server listen on?',
+ "What port does the server listen on?",
default = ctx.obj.config.rd_port,
type = int
ctx.obj.config.rd_user = click.prompt(
- 'Which user will authenticate with the server',
+ "Which user will authenticate with the server",
default = ctx.obj.config.rd_user
ctx.obj.config.rd_pass = click.prompt(
- 'User password',
+ "User password",
hide_input = True,
show_default = False,
default = ctx.obj.config.rd_pass or ""
) or None
ctx.obj.config.rd_database = click.prompt(
- 'Which database number to use?',
+ "Which database number to use?",
default = ctx.obj.config.rd_database,
type = int
ctx.obj.config.rd_prefix = click.prompt(
- 'What text should each cache key be prefixed with?',
+ "What text should each cache key be prefixed with?",
default = ctx.obj.config.rd_database,
type = check_alphanumeric
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ def cli_setup(ctx: click.Context, skip_questions: bool) -> None:
config = {
- 'private-key': aputils.Signer.new('n/a').export()
+ "private-key": aputils.Signer.new("n/a").export()
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
@@ -161,19 +162,19 @@ def cli_setup(ctx: click.Context, skip_questions: bool) -> None:
click.echo("Relay all setup! Start the container to run the relay.")
- if click.confirm('Relay all setup! Would you like to run it now?'):
+ if click.confirm("Relay all setup! Would you like to run it now?"):
cli_run.callback() # type: ignore
-@click.option('--dev', '-d', is_flag=True, help='Enable developer mode')
+@click.option("--dev", "-d", is_flag=True, help="Enable developer mode")
def cli_run(ctx: click.Context, dev: bool = False) -> None:
- 'Run the relay'
+ "Run the relay"
- if ctx.obj.config.domain.endswith('example.com') or ctx.obj.signer is None:
+ if ctx.obj.config.domain.endswith("example.com") or ctx.obj.signer is None:
if not IS_DOCKER:
- click.echo('Relay is not set up. Please run "activityrelay setup".')
+ click.echo("Relay is not set up. Please run \"activityrelay setup\"")
@@ -183,17 +184,17 @@ def cli_run(ctx: click.Context, dev: bool = False) -> None:
for method, path, handler in ROUTES:
ctx.obj.router.add_route(method, path, handler)
- ctx.obj['dev'] = dev
+ ctx.obj["dev"] = dev
- # todo: figure out why the relay doesn't quit properly without this
+ # todo: figure out why the relay doesn"t quit properly without this
def cli_db_maintenance(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
- 'Perform maintenance tasks on the database'
+ "Perform maintenance tasks on the database"
if ctx.obj.config.db_type == "postgres":
@@ -206,17 +207,17 @@ def cli_db_maintenance(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
-@click.option('--old-config', '-o', help = 'Path to the config file to convert from')
+@click.option("--old-config", "-o", help = "Path to the config file to convert from")
def cli_convert(ctx: click.Context, old_config: str) -> None:
- 'Convert an old config and jsonld database to the new format.'
+ "Convert an old config and jsonld database to the new format."
old_config = Path(old_config).expanduser().resolve() if old_config else ctx.obj.config.path
- backup = ctx.obj.config.path.parent.joinpath(f'{ctx.obj.config.path.stem}.backup.yaml')
+ backup = ctx.obj.config.path.parent.joinpath(f"{ctx.obj.config.path.stem}.backup.yaml")
if str(old_config) == str(ctx.obj.config.path) and not backup.exists():
- logging.info('Created backup config @ %s', backup)
+ logging.info("Created backup config @ %s", backup)
copyfile(ctx.obj.config.path, backup)
config = RelayConfig(old_config)
@@ -225,58 +226,58 @@ def cli_convert(ctx: click.Context, old_config: str) -> None:
database = RelayDatabase(config)
- ctx.obj.config.set('listen', config['listen'])
- ctx.obj.config.set('port', config['port'])
- ctx.obj.config.set('workers', config['workers'])
- ctx.obj.config.set('sq_path', config['db'].replace('jsonld', 'sqlite3'))
- ctx.obj.config.set('domain', config['host'])
+ ctx.obj.config.set("listen", config["listen"])
+ ctx.obj.config.set("port", config["port"])
+ ctx.obj.config.set("workers", config["workers"])
+ ctx.obj.config.set("sq_path", config["db"].replace("jsonld", "sqlite3"))
+ ctx.obj.config.set("domain", config["host"])
# fix: mypy complains about the types returned by click.progressbar when updating click to 8.1.7
with get_database(ctx.obj.config) as db:
with db.session(True) as conn:
- conn.put_config('private-key', database['private-key'])
- conn.put_config('note', config['note'])
- conn.put_config('whitelist-enabled', config['whitelist_enabled'])
+ conn.put_config("private-key", database["private-key"])
+ conn.put_config("note", config["note"])
+ conn.put_config("whitelist-enabled", config["whitelist_enabled"])
with click.progressbar(
- database['relay-list'].values(),
- label = 'Inboxes'.ljust(15),
+ database["relay-list"].values(),
+ label = "Inboxes".ljust(15),
width = 0
) as inboxes:
for inbox in inboxes:
- if inbox['software'] in {'akkoma', 'pleroma'}:
- actor = f'https://{inbox["domain"]}/relay'
+ if inbox["software"] in {"akkoma", "pleroma"}:
+ actor = f"https://{inbox["domain"]}/relay"
- elif inbox['software'] == 'mastodon':
- actor = f'https://{inbox["domain"]}/actor'
+ elif inbox["software"] == "mastodon":
+ actor = f"https://{inbox["domain"]}/actor"
actor = None
- inbox['domain'],
- inbox['inbox'],
+ inbox["domain"],
+ inbox["inbox"],
actor = actor,
- followid = inbox['followid'],
- software = inbox['software']
+ followid = inbox["followid"],
+ software = inbox["software"]
with click.progressbar(
- config['blocked_software'],
- label = 'Banned software'.ljust(15),
+ config["blocked_software"],
+ label = "Banned software".ljust(15),
width = 0
) as banned_software:
for software in banned_software:
- reason = 'relay' if software in RELAY_SOFTWARE else None
+ reason = "relay" if software in RELAY_SOFTWARE else None
with click.progressbar(
- config['blocked_instances'],
- label = 'Banned domains'.ljust(15),
+ config["blocked_instances"],
+ label = "Banned domains".ljust(15),
width = 0
) as banned_software:
@@ -284,22 +285,22 @@ def cli_convert(ctx: click.Context, old_config: str) -> None:
with click.progressbar(
- config['whitelist'],
- label = 'Whitelist'.ljust(15),
+ config["whitelist"],
+ label = "Whitelist".ljust(15),
width = 0
) as whitelist:
for instance in whitelist:
- click.echo('Finished converting old config and database :3')
+ click.echo("Finished converting old config and database :3")
-@click.option('--editor', '-e', help = 'Text editor to use')
+@click.option("--editor", "-e", help = "Text editor to use")
def cli_editconfig(ctx: click.Context, editor: str) -> None:
- 'Edit the config file'
+ "Edit the config file"
editor = editor,
@@ -307,7 +308,7 @@ def cli_editconfig(ctx: click.Context, editor: str) -> None:
def cli_switchbackend(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
@@ -349,17 +350,17 @@ def cli_switchbackend(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
def cli_config() -> None:
- 'Manage the relay settings stored in the database'
+ "Manage the relay settings stored in the database"
def cli_config_list(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
- 'List the current relay config'
+ "List the current relay config"
- click.echo('Relay Config:')
+ click.echo("Relay Config:")
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
config = conn.get_config_all()
@@ -368,176 +369,176 @@ def cli_config_list(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
if key in type(config).SYSTEM_KEYS():
- if key == 'log-level':
+ if key == "log-level":
value = value.name
- key_str = f'{key}:'.ljust(20)
- click.echo(f'- {key_str} {repr(value)}')
+ key_str = f"{key}:".ljust(20)
+ click.echo(f"- {key_str} {repr(value)}")
def cli_config_set(ctx: click.Context, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
- 'Set a config value'
+ "Set a config value"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
new_value = conn.put_config(key, value)
except Exception:
- click.echo(f'Invalid config name: {key}')
+ click.echo(f"Invalid config name: {key}")
- click.echo(f'{key}: {repr(new_value)}')
+ click.echo(f"{key}: {repr(new_value)}")
def cli_user() -> None:
- 'Manage local users'
+ "Manage local users"
def cli_user_list(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
- 'List all local users'
+ "List all local users"
- click.echo('Users:')
+ click.echo("Users:")
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
for row in conn.get_users():
- click.echo(f'- {row.username}')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.username}")
-@click.argument('handle', required = False)
+@click.argument("handle", required = False)
def cli_user_create(ctx: click.Context, username: str, handle: str) -> None:
- 'Create a new local user'
+ "Create a new local user"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if conn.get_user(username) is not None:
- click.echo(f'User already exists: {username}')
+ click.echo(f"User already exists: {username}")
while True:
- if not (password := click.prompt('New password', hide_input = True)):
- click.echo('No password provided')
+ if not (password := click.prompt("New password", hide_input = True)):
+ click.echo("No password provided")
- if password != click.prompt('New password again', hide_input = True):
- click.echo('Passwords do not match')
+ if password != click.prompt("New password again", hide_input = True):
+ click.echo("Passwords do not match")
conn.put_user(username, password, handle)
- click.echo(f'Created user "{username}"')
+ click.echo(f"Created user {username}")
def cli_user_delete(ctx: click.Context, username: str) -> None:
- 'Delete a local user'
+ "Delete a local user"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if conn.get_user(username) is None:
- click.echo(f'User does not exist: {username}')
+ click.echo(f"User does not exist: {username}")
- click.echo(f'Deleted user "{username}"')
+ click.echo(f"Deleted user {username}")
def cli_user_list_tokens(ctx: click.Context, username: str) -> None:
- 'List all API tokens for a user'
+ "List all API tokens for a user"
- click.echo(f'Tokens for "{username}":')
+ click.echo(f"Tokens for {username}:")
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
for row in conn.get_tokens(username):
- click.echo(f'- {row.code}')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.code}")
def cli_user_create_token(ctx: click.Context, username: str) -> None:
- 'Create a new API token for a user'
+ "Create a new API token for a user"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if (user := conn.get_user(username)) is None:
- click.echo(f'User does not exist: {username}')
+ click.echo(f"User does not exist: {username}")
token = conn.put_token(user.username)
- click.echo(f'New token for "{username}": {token.code}')
+ click.echo(f"New token for {username}: {token.code}")
def cli_user_delete_token(ctx: click.Context, code: str) -> None:
- 'Delete an API token'
+ "Delete an API token"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if conn.get_token(code) is None:
- click.echo('Token does not exist')
+ click.echo("Token does not exist")
- click.echo('Deleted token')
+ click.echo("Deleted token")
def cli_inbox() -> None:
- 'Manage the inboxes in the database'
+ "Manage the inboxes in the database"
def cli_inbox_list(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
- 'List the connected instances or relays'
+ "List the connected instances or relays"
- click.echo('Connected to the following instances or relays:')
+ click.echo("Connected to the following instances or relays:")
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
for row in conn.get_inboxes():
- click.echo(f'- {row.inbox}')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.inbox}")
def cli_inbox_follow(ctx: click.Context, actor: str) -> None:
- 'Follow an actor (Relay must be running)'
+ "Follow an actor (Relay must be running)"
instance: schema.Instance | None = None
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if conn.get_domain_ban(actor):
- click.echo(f'Error: Refusing to follow banned actor: {actor}')
+ click.echo(f"Error: Refusing to follow banned actor: {actor}")
if (instance := conn.get_inbox(actor)) is not None:
inbox = instance.inbox
- if not actor.startswith('http'):
- actor = f'https://{actor}/actor'
+ if not actor.startswith("http"):
+ actor = f"https://{actor}/actor"
if (actor_data := asyncio.run(http.get(actor, sign_headers = True))) is None:
- click.echo(f'Failed to fetch actor: {actor}')
+ click.echo(f"Failed to fetch actor: {actor}")
inbox = actor_data.shared_inbox
@@ -548,20 +549,20 @@ def cli_inbox_follow(ctx: click.Context, actor: str) -> None:
asyncio.run(http.post(inbox, message, instance))
- click.echo(f'Sent follow message to actor: {actor}')
+ click.echo(f"Sent follow message to actor: {actor}")
def cli_inbox_unfollow(ctx: click.Context, actor: str) -> None:
- 'Unfollow an actor (Relay must be running)'
+ "Unfollow an actor (Relay must be running)"
instance: schema.Instance | None = None
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if conn.get_domain_ban(actor):
- click.echo(f'Error: Refusing to follow banned actor: {actor}')
+ click.echo(f"Error: Refusing to follow banned actor: {actor}")
if (instance := conn.get_inbox(actor)):
@@ -573,8 +574,8 @@ def cli_inbox_unfollow(ctx: click.Context, actor: str) -> None:
- if not actor.startswith('http'):
- actor = f'https://{actor}/actor'
+ if not actor.startswith("http"):
+ actor = f"https://{actor}/actor"
actor_data = asyncio.run(http.get(actor, sign_headers = True))
@@ -587,23 +588,23 @@ def cli_inbox_unfollow(ctx: click.Context, actor: str) -> None:
host = ctx.obj.config.domain,
actor = actor,
follow = {
- 'type': 'Follow',
- 'object': actor,
- 'actor': f'https://{ctx.obj.config.domain}/actor'
+ "type": "Follow",
+ "object": actor,
+ "actor": f"https://{ctx.obj.config.domain}/actor"
asyncio.run(http.post(inbox, message, instance))
- click.echo(f'Sent unfollow message to: {actor}')
+ click.echo(f"Sent unfollow message to: {actor}")
-@click.option('--actor', '-a', help = 'Actor url for the inbox')
-@click.option('--followid', '-f', help = 'Url for the follow activity')
-@click.option('--software', '-s',
+@click.option("--actor", "-a", help = "Actor url for the inbox")
+@click.option("--followid", "-f", help = "Url for the follow activity")
+@click.option("--software", "-s",
type = click.Choice(SOFTWARE),
- help = 'Nodeinfo software name of the instance'
+ help = "Nodeinfo software name of the instance"
) # noqa: E124
def cli_inbox_add(
@@ -612,11 +613,11 @@ def cli_inbox_add(
actor: str | None = None,
followid: str | None = None,
software: str | None = None) -> None:
- 'Add an inbox to the database'
+ "Add an inbox to the database"
- if not inbox.startswith('http'):
+ if not inbox.startswith("http"):
domain = inbox
- inbox = f'https://{inbox}/inbox'
+ inbox = f"https://{inbox}/inbox"
domain = urlparse(inbox).netloc
@@ -634,62 +635,62 @@ def cli_inbox_add(
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if conn.get_domain_ban(domain):
- click.echo(f'Refusing to add banned inbox: {inbox}')
+ click.echo(f"Refusing to add banned inbox: {inbox}")
if conn.get_inbox(inbox):
- click.echo(f'Error: Inbox already in database: {inbox}')
+ click.echo(f"Error: Inbox already in database: {inbox}")
conn.put_inbox(domain, inbox, actor, followid, software)
- click.echo(f'Added inbox to the database: {inbox}')
+ click.echo(f"Added inbox to the database: {inbox}")
def cli_inbox_remove(ctx: click.Context, inbox: str) -> None:
- 'Remove an inbox from the database'
+ "Remove an inbox from the database"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if not conn.del_inbox(inbox):
- click.echo(f'Inbox not in database: {inbox}')
+ click.echo(f"Inbox not in database: {inbox}")
- click.echo(f'Removed inbox from the database: {inbox}')
+ click.echo(f"Removed inbox from the database: {inbox}")
def cli_request() -> None:
- 'Manage follow requests'
+ "Manage follow requests"
def cli_request_list(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
- 'List all current follow requests'
+ "List all current follow requests"
- click.echo('Follow requests:')
+ click.echo("Follow requests:")
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
for row in conn.get_requests():
- date = row.created.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- click.echo(f'- [{date}] {row.domain}')
+ date = row.created.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ click.echo(f"- [{date}] {row.domain}")
def cli_request_accept(ctx: click.Context, domain: str) -> None:
- 'Accept a follow request'
+ "Accept a follow request"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
instance = conn.put_request_response(domain, True)
except KeyError:
- click.echo('Request not found')
+ click.echo("Request not found")
message = Message.new_response(
@@ -701,7 +702,7 @@ def cli_request_accept(ctx: click.Context, domain: str) -> None:
asyncio.run(http.post(instance.inbox, message, instance))
- if instance.software != 'mastodon':
+ if instance.software != "mastodon":
message = Message.new_follow(
host = ctx.obj.config.domain,
actor = instance.actor
@@ -710,18 +711,18 @@ def cli_request_accept(ctx: click.Context, domain: str) -> None:
asyncio.run(http.post(instance.inbox, message, instance))
def cli_request_deny(ctx: click.Context, domain: str) -> None:
- 'Accept a follow request'
+ "Accept a follow request"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
instance = conn.put_request_response(domain, False)
except KeyError:
- click.echo('Request not found')
+ click.echo("Request not found")
response = Message.new_response(
@@ -734,113 +735,113 @@ def cli_request_deny(ctx: click.Context, domain: str) -> None:
asyncio.run(http.post(instance.inbox, response, instance))
def cli_instance() -> None:
- 'Manage instance bans'
+ "Manage instance bans"
def cli_instance_list(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
- 'List all banned instances'
+ "List all banned instances"
- click.echo('Banned domains:')
+ click.echo("Banned domains:")
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
for row in conn.get_domain_bans():
if row.reason is not None:
- click.echo(f'- {row.domain} ({row.reason})')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.domain} ({row.reason})")
- click.echo(f'- {row.domain}')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.domain}")
-@click.option('--reason', '-r', help = 'Public note about why the domain is banned')
-@click.option('--note', '-n', help = 'Internal note that will only be seen by admins and mods')
+@click.option("--reason", "-r", help = "Public note about why the domain is banned")
+@click.option("--note", "-n", help = "Internal note that will only be seen by admins and mods")
def cli_instance_ban(ctx: click.Context, domain: str, reason: str, note: str) -> None:
- 'Ban an instance and remove the associated inbox if it exists'
+ "Ban an instance and remove the associated inbox if it exists"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if conn.get_domain_ban(domain) is not None:
- click.echo(f'Domain already banned: {domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Domain already banned: {domain}")
conn.put_domain_ban(domain, reason, note)
- click.echo(f'Banned instance: {domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Banned instance: {domain}")
def cli_instance_unban(ctx: click.Context, domain: str) -> None:
- 'Unban an instance'
+ "Unban an instance"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if conn.del_domain_ban(domain) is None:
- click.echo(f'Instance wasn\'t banned: {domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Instance wasn\"t banned: {domain}")
- click.echo(f'Unbanned instance: {domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Unbanned instance: {domain}")
-@click.option('--reason', '-r')
-@click.option('--note', '-n')
+@click.option("--reason", "-r")
+@click.option("--note", "-n")
def cli_instance_update(ctx: click.Context, domain: str, reason: str, note: str) -> None:
- 'Update the public reason or internal note for a domain ban'
+ "Update the public reason or internal note for a domain ban"
if not (reason or note):
- ctx.fail('Must pass --reason or --note')
+ ctx.fail("Must pass --reason or --note")
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if not (row := conn.update_domain_ban(domain, reason, note)):
- click.echo(f'Failed to update domain ban: {domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Failed to update domain ban: {domain}")
- click.echo(f'Updated domain ban: {domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Updated domain ban: {domain}")
if row.reason:
- click.echo(f'- {row.domain} ({row.reason})')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.domain} ({row.reason})")
- click.echo(f'- {row.domain}')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.domain}")
def cli_software() -> None:
- 'Manage banned software'
+ "Manage banned software"
def cli_software_list(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
- 'List all banned software'
+ "List all banned software"
- click.echo('Banned software:')
+ click.echo("Banned software:")
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
for row in conn.get_software_bans():
if row.reason:
- click.echo(f'- {row.name} ({row.reason})')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.name} ({row.reason})")
- click.echo(f'- {row.name}')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.name}")
-@click.option('--reason', '-r')
-@click.option('--note', '-n')
+@click.option("--reason", "-r")
+@click.option("--note", "-n")
- '--fetch-nodeinfo', '-f',
+ "--fetch-nodeinfo", "-f",
is_flag = True,
- help = 'Treat NAME like a domain and try to fetch the software name from nodeinfo'
+ help = "Treat NAME like a domain and try to fetch the software name from nodeinfo"
def cli_software_ban(ctx: click.Context,
@@ -848,189 +849,189 @@ def cli_software_ban(ctx: click.Context,
reason: str,
note: str,
fetch_nodeinfo: bool) -> None:
- 'Ban software. Use RELAYS for NAME to ban relays'
+ "Ban software. Use RELAYS for NAME to ban relays"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
- if name == 'RELAYS':
+ if name == "RELAYS":
for item in RELAY_SOFTWARE:
if conn.get_software_ban(item):
- click.echo(f'Relay already banned: {item}')
+ click.echo(f"Relay already banned: {item}")
- conn.put_software_ban(item, reason or 'relay', note)
+ conn.put_software_ban(item, reason or "relay", note)
- click.echo('Banned all relay software')
+ click.echo("Banned all relay software")
if fetch_nodeinfo:
if not (nodeinfo := asyncio.run(http.fetch_nodeinfo(name))):
- click.echo(f'Failed to fetch software name from domain: {name}')
+ click.echo(f"Failed to fetch software name from domain: {name}")
name = nodeinfo.sw_name
if conn.get_software_ban(name):
- click.echo(f'Software already banned: {name}')
+ click.echo(f"Software already banned: {name}")
if not conn.put_software_ban(name, reason, note):
- click.echo(f'Failed to ban software: {name}')
+ click.echo(f"Failed to ban software: {name}")
- click.echo(f'Banned software: {name}')
+ click.echo(f"Banned software: {name}")
-@click.option('--reason', '-r')
-@click.option('--note', '-n')
+@click.option("--reason", "-r")
+@click.option("--note", "-n")
- '--fetch-nodeinfo', '-f',
+ "--fetch-nodeinfo", "-f",
is_flag = True,
- help = 'Treat NAME like a domain and try to fetch the software name from nodeinfo'
+ help = "Treat NAME like a domain and try to fetch the software name from nodeinfo"
def cli_software_unban(ctx: click.Context, name: str, fetch_nodeinfo: bool) -> None:
- 'Ban software. Use RELAYS for NAME to unban relays'
+ "Ban software. Use RELAYS for NAME to unban relays"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
- if name == 'RELAYS':
+ if name == "RELAYS":
for software in RELAY_SOFTWARE:
if not conn.del_software_ban(software):
- click.echo(f'Relay was not banned: {software}')
+ click.echo(f"Relay was not banned: {software}")
- click.echo('Unbanned all relay software')
+ click.echo("Unbanned all relay software")
if fetch_nodeinfo:
if not (nodeinfo := asyncio.run(http.fetch_nodeinfo(name))):
- click.echo(f'Failed to fetch software name from domain: {name}')
+ click.echo(f"Failed to fetch software name from domain: {name}")
name = nodeinfo.sw_name
if not conn.del_software_ban(name):
- click.echo(f'Software was not banned: {name}')
+ click.echo(f"Software was not banned: {name}")
- click.echo(f'Unbanned software: {name}')
+ click.echo(f"Unbanned software: {name}")
-@click.option('--reason', '-r')
-@click.option('--note', '-n')
+@click.option("--reason", "-r")
+@click.option("--note", "-n")
def cli_software_update(ctx: click.Context, name: str, reason: str, note: str) -> None:
- 'Update the public reason or internal note for a software ban'
+ "Update the public reason or internal note for a software ban"
if not (reason or note):
- ctx.fail('Must pass --reason or --note')
+ ctx.fail("Must pass --reason or --note")
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if not (row := conn.update_software_ban(name, reason, note)):
- click.echo(f'Failed to update software ban: {name}')
+ click.echo(f"Failed to update software ban: {name}")
- click.echo(f'Updated software ban: {name}')
+ click.echo(f"Updated software ban: {name}")
if row.reason:
- click.echo(f'- {row.name} ({row.reason})')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.name} ({row.reason})")
- click.echo(f'- {row.name}')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.name}")
def cli_whitelist() -> None:
- 'Manage the instance whitelist'
+ "Manage the instance whitelist"
def cli_whitelist_list(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
- 'List all the instances in the whitelist'
+ "List all the instances in the whitelist"
- click.echo('Current whitelisted domains:')
+ click.echo("Current whitelisted domains:")
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
for row in conn.get_domain_whitelist():
- click.echo(f'- {row.domain}')
+ click.echo(f"- {row.domain}")
def cli_whitelist_add(ctx: click.Context, domain: str) -> None:
- 'Add a domain to the whitelist'
+ "Add a domain to the whitelist"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if conn.get_domain_whitelist(domain):
- click.echo(f'Instance already in the whitelist: {domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Instance already in the whitelist: {domain}")
- click.echo(f'Instance added to the whitelist: {domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Instance added to the whitelist: {domain}")
def cli_whitelist_remove(ctx: click.Context, domain: str) -> None:
- 'Remove an instance from the whitelist'
+ "Remove an instance from the whitelist"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
if not conn.del_domain_whitelist(domain):
- click.echo(f'Domain not in the whitelist: {domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Domain not in the whitelist: {domain}")
- if conn.get_config('whitelist-enabled'):
+ if conn.get_config("whitelist-enabled"):
if conn.del_inbox(domain):
- click.echo(f'Removed inbox for domain: {domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Removed inbox for domain: {domain}")
- click.echo(f'Removed domain from the whitelist: {domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Removed domain from the whitelist: {domain}")
def cli_whitelist_import(ctx: click.Context) -> None:
- 'Add all current instances to the whitelist'
+ "Add all current instances to the whitelist"
with ctx.obj.database.session() as conn:
for row in conn.get_inboxes():
if conn.get_domain_whitelist(row.domain) is not None:
- click.echo(f'Domain already in whitelist: {row.domain}')
+ click.echo(f"Domain already in whitelist: {row.domain}")
- click.echo('Imported whitelist from inboxes')
+ click.echo("Imported whitelist from inboxes")
def config_postgresql(config: Config) -> None:
config.pg_name = click.prompt(
- 'What is the name of the database?',
+ "What is the name of the database?",
default = config.pg_name
config.pg_host = click.prompt(
- 'What IP address, hostname, or unix socket does the server listen on?',
+ "What IP address, hostname, or unix socket does the server listen on?",
default = config.pg_host,
config.pg_port = click.prompt(
- 'What port does the server listen on?',
+ "What port does the server listen on?",
default = config.pg_port,
type = int
config.pg_user = click.prompt(
- 'Which user will authenticate with the server?',
+ "Which user will authenticate with the server?",
default = config.pg_user
config.pg_pass = click.prompt(
- 'User password',
+ "User password",
hide_input = True,
show_default = False,
default = config.pg_pass or ""
@@ -1038,4 +1039,5 @@ def config_postgresql(config: Config) -> None:
def main() -> None:
- cli(prog_name='activityrelay')
+ multiprocessing.freeze_support()
+ cli(prog_name="activityrelay")
diff --git a/relay/misc.py b/relay/misc.py
index 4d250e5..fbab355 100644
--- a/relay/misc.py
+++ b/relay/misc.py
@@ -16,63 +16,63 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
from .application import Application
-T = TypeVar('T')
-ResponseType = TypedDict('ResponseType', {
- 'status': int,
- 'headers': dict[str, Any] | None,
- 'content_type': str,
- 'body': bytes | None,
- 'text': str | None
+T = TypeVar("T")
+ResponseType = TypedDict("ResponseType", {
+ "status": int,
+ "headers": dict[str, Any] | None,
+ "content_type": str,
+ "body": bytes | None,
+ "text": str | None
-IS_DOCKER = bool(os.environ.get('DOCKER_RUNNING'))
-IS_WINDOWS = platform.system() == 'Windows'
+IS_DOCKER = bool(os.environ.get("DOCKER_RUNNING"))
+IS_WINDOWS = platform.system() == "Windows"
- 'activity': 'application/activity+json',
- 'css': 'text/css',
- 'html': 'text/html',
- 'json': 'application/json',
- 'text': 'text/plain',
- 'webmanifest': 'application/manifest+json'
+ "activity": "application/activity+json",
+ "css": "text/css",
+ "html": "text/html",
+ "json": "application/json",
+ "text": "text/plain",
+ "webmanifest": "application/manifest+json"
- 'mastodon': 'https://{domain}/actor',
- 'akkoma': 'https://{domain}/relay',
- 'pleroma': 'https://{domain}/relay'
+ "mastodon": "https://{domain}/actor",
+ "akkoma": "https://{domain}/relay",
+ "pleroma": "https://{domain}/relay"
- 'mastodon',
- 'akkoma',
- 'pleroma',
- 'misskey',
- 'friendica',
- 'hubzilla',
- 'firefish',
- 'gotosocial'
+ "mastodon",
+ "akkoma",
+ "pleroma",
+ "misskey",
+ "friendica",
+ "hubzilla",
+ "firefish",
+ "gotosocial"
JSON_PATHS: tuple[str, ...] = (
- '/api/v1',
- '/actor',
- '/inbox',
- '/outbox',
- '/following',
- '/followers',
- '/.well-known',
- '/nodeinfo',
- '/oauth/token',
- '/oauth/revoke'
+ "/api/v1",
+ "/actor",
+ "/inbox",
+ "/outbox",
+ "/following",
+ "/followers",
+ "/.well-known",
+ "/nodeinfo",
+ "/oauth/token",
+ "/oauth/revoke"
TOKEN_PATHS: tuple[str, ...] = (
- '/logout',
- '/admin',
- '/api',
- '/oauth/authorize',
- '/oauth/revoke'
+ "/logout",
+ "/admin",
+ "/api",
+ "/oauth/authorize",
+ "/oauth/revoke"
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def get_app() -> Application:
from .application import Application
if not Application.DEFAULT:
- raise ValueError('No default application set')
+ raise ValueError("No default application set")
return Application.DEFAULT
@@ -136,23 +136,23 @@ class Message(aputils.Message):
approves: bool = False) -> Self:
return cls.new(aputils.ObjectType.APPLICATION, {
- 'id': f'https://{host}/actor',
- 'preferredUsername': 'relay',
- 'name': 'ActivityRelay',
- 'summary': description or 'ActivityRelay bot',
- 'manuallyApprovesFollowers': approves,
- 'followers': f'https://{host}/followers',
- 'following': f'https://{host}/following',
- 'inbox': f'https://{host}/inbox',
- 'outbox': f'https://{host}/outbox',
- 'url': f'https://{host}/',
- 'endpoints': {
- 'sharedInbox': f'https://{host}/inbox'
+ "id": f"https://{host}/actor",
+ "preferredUsername": "relay",
+ "name": "ActivityRelay",
+ "summary": description or "ActivityRelay bot",
+ "manuallyApprovesFollowers": approves,
+ "followers": f"https://{host}/followers",
+ "following": f"https://{host}/following",
+ "inbox": f"https://{host}/inbox",
+ "outbox": f"https://{host}/outbox",
+ "url": f"https://{host}/",
+ "endpoints": {
+ "sharedInbox": f"https://{host}/inbox"
- 'publicKey': {
- 'id': f'https://{host}/actor#main-key',
- 'owner': f'https://{host}/actor',
- 'publicKeyPem': pubkey
+ "publicKey": {
+ "id": f"https://{host}/actor#main-key",
+ "owner": f"https://{host}/actor",
+ "publicKeyPem": pubkey
@@ -160,44 +160,44 @@ class Message(aputils.Message):
def new_announce(cls: type[Self], host: str, obj: str | dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
return cls.new(aputils.ObjectType.ANNOUNCE, {
- 'id': f'https://{host}/activities/{uuid4()}',
- 'to': [f'https://{host}/followers'],
- 'actor': f'https://{host}/actor',
- 'object': obj
+ "id": f"https://{host}/activities/{uuid4()}",
+ "to": [f"https://{host}/followers"],
+ "actor": f"https://{host}/actor",
+ "object": obj
def new_follow(cls: type[Self], host: str, actor: str) -> Self:
return cls.new(aputils.ObjectType.FOLLOW, {
- 'id': f'https://{host}/activities/{uuid4()}',
- 'to': [actor],
- 'object': actor,
- 'actor': f'https://{host}/actor'
+ "id": f"https://{host}/activities/{uuid4()}",
+ "to": [actor],
+ "object": actor,
+ "actor": f"https://{host}/actor"
def new_unfollow(cls: type[Self], host: str, actor: str, follow: dict[str, str]) -> Self:
return cls.new(aputils.ObjectType.UNDO, {
- 'id': f'https://{host}/activities/{uuid4()}',
- 'to': [actor],
- 'actor': f'https://{host}/actor',
- 'object': follow
+ "id": f"https://{host}/activities/{uuid4()}",
+ "to": [actor],
+ "actor": f"https://{host}/actor",
+ "object": follow
def new_response(cls: type[Self], host: str, actor: str, followid: str, accept: bool) -> Self:
return cls.new(aputils.ObjectType.ACCEPT if accept else aputils.ObjectType.REJECT, {
- 'id': f'https://{host}/activities/{uuid4()}',
- 'to': [actor],
- 'actor': f'https://{host}/actor',
- 'object': {
- 'id': followid,
- 'type': 'Follow',
- 'object': f'https://{host}/actor',
- 'actor': actor
+ "id": f"https://{host}/activities/{uuid4()}",
+ "to": [actor],
+ "actor": f"https://{host}/actor",
+ "object": {
+ "id": followid,
+ "type": "Follow",
+ "object": f"https://{host}/actor",
+ "actor": actor
@@ -210,35 +210,35 @@ class Response(AiohttpResponse):
def new(cls: type[Self],
- body: str | bytes | dict[str, Any] | Sequence[Any] = '',
+ body: str | bytes | dict[str, Any] | Sequence[Any] = "",
status: int = 200,
headers: dict[str, str] | None = None,
- ctype: str = 'text') -> Self:
+ ctype: str = "text") -> Self:
kwargs: ResponseType = {
- 'status': status,
- 'headers': headers,
- 'content_type': MIMETYPES[ctype],
- 'body': None,
- 'text': None
+ "status": status,
+ "headers": headers,
+ "content_type": MIMETYPES[ctype],
+ "body": None,
+ "text": None
if isinstance(body, str):
- kwargs['text'] = body
+ kwargs["text"] = body
elif isinstance(body, bytes):
- kwargs['body'] = body
+ kwargs["body"] = body
elif isinstance(body, (dict, Sequence)):
- kwargs['text'] = json.dumps(body, cls = JsonEncoder)
+ kwargs["text"] = json.dumps(body, cls = JsonEncoder)
return cls(**kwargs)
def new_redir(cls: type[Self], path: str, status: int = 307) -> Self:
- body = f'Redirect to {path}'
- return cls.new(body, status, {'Location': path}, ctype = 'html')
+ body = f"Redirect to {path}"
+ return cls.new(body, status, {"Location": path}, ctype = "html")
@@ -256,9 +256,9 @@ class Response(AiohttpResponse):
def location(self) -> str:
- return self.headers.get('Location', '')
+ return self.headers.get("Location", "")
def location(self, value: str) -> None:
- self.headers['Location'] = value
+ self.headers["Location"] = value
diff --git a/relay/processors.py b/relay/processors.py
index f56ba48..5615bee 100644
--- a/relay/processors.py
+++ b/relay/processors.py
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
def actor_type_check(actor: Message, software: str | None) -> bool:
- if actor.type == 'Application':
+ if actor.type == "Application":
return True
# akkoma (< 3.6.0) and pleroma use Person for the actor type
- if software in {'akkoma', 'pleroma'} and actor.id == f'https://{actor.domain}/relay':
+ if software in {"akkoma", "pleroma"} and actor.id == f"https://{actor.domain}/relay":
return True
return False
@@ -24,38 +24,38 @@ def actor_type_check(actor: Message, software: str | None) -> bool:
async def handle_relay(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) -> None:
- app.cache.get('handle-relay', data.message.object_id)
- logging.verbose('already relayed %s', data.message.object_id)
+ app.cache.get("handle-relay", data.message.object_id)
+ logging.verbose("already relayed %s", data.message.object_id)
except KeyError:
message = Message.new_announce(app.config.domain, data.message.object_id)
- logging.debug('>> relay: %s', message)
+ logging.debug(">> relay: %s", message)
for instance in conn.distill_inboxes(data.message):
app.push_message(instance.inbox, message, instance)
- app.cache.set('handle-relay', data.message.object_id, message.id, 'str')
+ app.cache.set("handle-relay", data.message.object_id, message.id, "str")
async def handle_forward(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) -> None:
- app.cache.get('handle-relay', data.message.id)
- logging.verbose('already forwarded %s', data.message.id)
+ app.cache.get("handle-relay", data.message.id)
+ logging.verbose("already forwarded %s", data.message.id)
except KeyError:
message = Message.new_announce(app.config.domain, data.message)
- logging.debug('>> forward: %s', message)
+ logging.debug(">> forward: %s", message)
for instance in conn.distill_inboxes(data.message):
app.push_message(instance.inbox, data.message, instance)
- app.cache.set('handle-relay', data.message.id, message.id, 'str')
+ app.cache.set("handle-relay", data.message.id, message.id, "str")
async def handle_follow(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) -> None:
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ async def handle_follow(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) ->
# reject if software used by actor is banned
if software and conn.get_software_ban(software):
- logging.verbose('Rejected banned actor: %s', data.actor.id)
+ logging.verbose("Rejected banned actor: %s", data.actor.id)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ async def handle_follow(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) ->
- 'Rejected follow from actor for using specific software: actor=%s, software=%s',
+ "Rejected follow from actor for using specific software: actor=%s, software=%s",
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ async def handle_follow(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) ->
# reject if the actor is not an instance actor
if actor_type_check(data.actor, software):
- logging.verbose('Non-application actor tried to follow: %s', data.actor.id)
+ logging.verbose("Non-application actor tried to follow: %s", data.actor.id)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ async def handle_follow(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) ->
if not conn.get_domain_whitelist(data.actor.domain):
# add request if approval-required is enabled
if config.approval_required:
- logging.verbose('New follow request fromm actor: %s', data.actor.id)
+ logging.verbose("New follow request fromm actor: %s", data.actor.id)
with conn.transaction():
data.instance = conn.put_inbox(
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ async def handle_follow(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) ->
- # reject if the actor isn't whitelisted while the whiltelist is enabled
+ # reject if the actor isn"t whitelisted while the whiltelist is enabled
if config.whitelist_enabled:
- logging.verbose('Rejected actor for not being in the whitelist: %s', data.actor.id)
+ logging.verbose("Rejected actor for not being in the whitelist: %s", data.actor.id)
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ async def handle_follow(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) ->
# Are Akkoma and Pleroma the only two that expect a follow back?
# Ignoring only Mastodon for now
- if software != 'mastodon':
+ if software != "mastodon":
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ async def handle_follow(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) ->
async def handle_undo(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) -> None:
- if data.message.object['type'] != 'Follow':
- # forwarding deletes does not work, so don't bother
+ if data.message.object["type"] != "Follow":
+ # forwarding deletes does not work, so don"t bother
# await handle_forward(app, data, conn)
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ async def handle_undo(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) -> No
with conn.transaction():
if not conn.del_inbox(data.actor.id):
- 'Failed to delete "%s" with follow ID "%s"',
+ "Failed to delete \"%s\" with follow ID \"%s\"",
@@ -204,19 +204,19 @@ async def handle_undo(app: Application, data: InboxData, conn: Connection) -> No
processors = {
- 'Announce': handle_relay,
- 'Create': handle_relay,
- 'Delete': handle_forward,
- 'Follow': handle_follow,
- 'Undo': handle_undo,
- 'Update': handle_forward,
+ "Announce": handle_relay,
+ "Create": handle_relay,
+ "Delete": handle_forward,
+ "Follow": handle_follow,
+ "Undo": handle_undo,
+ "Update": handle_forward,
async def run_processor(data: InboxData) -> None:
if data.message.type not in processors:
- 'Message type "%s" from actor cannot be handled: %s',
+ "Message type \"%s\" from actor cannot be handled: %s",
@@ -242,5 +242,5 @@ async def run_processor(data: InboxData) -> None:
actor = data.actor.id
- logging.verbose('New "%s" from actor: %s', data.message.type, data.actor.id)
+ logging.verbose("New \"%s\" from actor: %s", data.message.type, data.actor.id)
await processors[data.message.type](app, data, conn)
diff --git a/relay/template.py b/relay/template.py
index 472a691..d761ad9 100644
--- a/relay/template.py
+++ b/relay/template.py
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ class Template(Environment):
loader = FileSystemLoader([
- File.from_resource('relay', 'frontend'),
- app.config.path.parent.joinpath('template')
+ File.from_resource("relay", "frontend"),
+ app.config.path.parent.joinpath("template")
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ class Template(Environment):
config = conn.get_config_all()
new_context = {
- 'request': request,
- 'domain': self.app.config.domain,
- 'version': __version__,
- 'config': config,
+ "request": request,
+ "domain": self.app.config.domain,
+ "version": __version__,
+ "config": config,
**(context or {})
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ class Template(Environment):
class MarkdownExtension(Extension):
- tags = {'markdown'}
+ tags = {"markdown"}
extensions = (
- 'attr_list',
- 'smarty',
- 'tables'
+ "attr_list",
+ "smarty",
+ "tables"
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ class MarkdownExtension(Extension):
def parse(self, parser: Parser) -> Node | list[Node]:
lineno = next(parser.stream).lineno
body = parser.parse_statements(
- ('name:endmarkdown',),
+ ("name:endmarkdown",),
drop_needle = True
- output = CallBlock(self.call_method('_render_markdown'), [], [], body)
+ output = CallBlock(self.call_method("_render_markdown"), [], [], body)
return output.set_lineno(lineno)
def _render_markdown(self, caller: Callable[[], str] | str) -> str:
text = caller if isinstance(caller, str) else caller()
- return self._markdown.convert(textwrap.dedent(text.strip('\n')))
+ return self._markdown.convert(textwrap.dedent(text.strip("\n")))
diff --git a/relay/views/activitypub.py b/relay/views/activitypub.py
index 7f70901..f8f98e3 100644
--- a/relay/views/activitypub.py
+++ b/relay/views/activitypub.py
@@ -44,61 +44,61 @@ class InboxData:
signer: Signer | None = None
- signature = Signature.parse(request.headers['signature'])
+ signature = Signature.parse(request.headers["signature"])
except KeyError:
- logging.verbose('Missing signature header')
- raise HttpError(400, 'missing signature header')
+ logging.verbose("Missing signature header")
+ raise HttpError(400, "missing signature header")
message = await request.json(loads = Message.parse)
except Exception:
- logging.verbose('Failed to parse message from actor: %s', signature.keyid)
- raise HttpError(400, 'failed to parse message')
+ logging.verbose("Failed to parse message from actor: %s", signature.keyid)
+ raise HttpError(400, "failed to parse message")
if message is None:
- logging.verbose('empty message')
- raise HttpError(400, 'missing message')
+ logging.verbose("empty message")
+ raise HttpError(400, "missing message")
- if 'actor' not in message:
- logging.verbose('actor not in message')
- raise HttpError(400, 'no actor in message')
+ if "actor" not in message:
+ logging.verbose("actor not in message")
+ raise HttpError(400, "no actor in message")
actor = await app.client.get(signature.keyid, True, Message)
except HttpError as e:
- # ld signatures aren't handled atm, so just ignore it
- if message.type == 'Delete':
- logging.verbose('Instance sent a delete which cannot be handled')
- raise HttpError(202, '')
+ # ld signatures aren"t handled atm, so just ignore it
+ if message.type == "Delete":
+ logging.verbose("Instance sent a delete which cannot be handled")
+ raise HttpError(202, "")
- logging.verbose('Failed to fetch actor: %s', signature.keyid)
- logging.debug('HTTP Status %i: %s', e.status, e.message)
- raise HttpError(400, 'failed to fetch actor')
+ logging.verbose("Failed to fetch actor: %s", signature.keyid)
+ logging.debug("HTTP Status %i: %s", e.status, e.message)
+ raise HttpError(400, "failed to fetch actor")
except ClientConnectorError as e:
- logging.warning('Error when trying to fetch actor: %s, %s', signature.keyid, str(e))
- raise HttpError(400, 'failed to fetch actor')
+ logging.warning("Error when trying to fetch actor: %s, %s", signature.keyid, str(e))
+ raise HttpError(400, "failed to fetch actor")
except Exception:
- raise HttpError(500, 'unexpected error when fetching actor')
+ raise HttpError(500, "unexpected error when fetching actor")
signer = actor.signer
except KeyError:
- logging.verbose('Actor missing public key: %s', signature.keyid)
- raise HttpError(400, 'actor missing public key')
+ logging.verbose("Actor missing public key: %s", signature.keyid)
+ raise HttpError(400, "actor missing public key")
await signer.validate_request_async(request)
except SignatureFailureError as e:
- logging.verbose('signature validation failed for "%s": %s', actor.id, e)
+ logging.verbose("signature validation failed for \"%s\": %s", actor.id, e)
raise HttpError(401, str(e))
return cls(signature, message, actor, signer, None)
@@ -128,30 +128,30 @@ async def handle_inbox(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
# reject if actor is banned
if conn.get_domain_ban(data.actor.domain):
- logging.verbose('Ignored request from banned actor: %s', data.actor.id)
- raise HttpError(403, 'access denied')
+ logging.verbose("Ignored request from banned actor: %s", data.actor.id)
+ raise HttpError(403, "access denied")
- # reject if activity type isn't 'Follow' and the actor isn't following
- if data.message.type != 'Follow' and not data.instance:
+ # reject if activity type isn"t "Follow" and the actor isn"t following
+ if data.message.type != "Follow" and not data.instance:
- 'Rejected actor for trying to post while not following: %s',
+ "Rejected actor for trying to post while not following: %s",
- raise HttpError(401, 'access denied')
+ raise HttpError(401, "access denied")
- logging.debug('>> payload %s', data.message.to_json(4))
+ logging.debug(">> payload %s", data.message.to_json(4))
await run_processor(data)
return Response.new(status = 202)
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/outbox')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/outbox")
async def handle_outbox(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
msg = aputils.Message.new(
- "id": f'https://{app.config.domain}/outbox',
+ "id": f"https://{app.config.domain}/outbox",
"totalItems": 0,
"orderedItems": []
@@ -160,15 +160,15 @@ async def handle_outbox(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
return Response.new(msg, ctype = "activity")
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/following', '/followers')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/following", "/followers")
async def handle_follow(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
with app.database.session(False) as s:
- inboxes = [row['actor'] for row in s.get_inboxes()]
+ inboxes = [row["actor"] for row in s.get_inboxes()]
msg = aputils.Message.new(
- "id": f'https://{app.config.domain}{request.path}',
+ "id": f"https://{app.config.domain}{request.path}",
"totalItems": len(inboxes),
"items": inboxes
@@ -177,21 +177,21 @@ async def handle_follow(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
return Response.new(msg, ctype = "activity")
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/.well-known/webfinger')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/.well-known/webfinger")
async def get(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
- subject = request.query['resource']
+ subject = request.query["resource"]
except KeyError:
- raise HttpError(400, 'missing "resource" query key')
+ raise HttpError(400, "missing \"resource\" query key")
- if subject != f'acct:relay@{app.config.domain}':
- raise HttpError(404, 'user not found')
+ if subject != f"acct:relay@{app.config.domain}":
+ raise HttpError(404, "user not found")
data = aputils.Webfinger.new(
- handle = 'relay',
+ handle = "relay",
domain = app.config.domain,
actor = app.config.actor
- return Response.new(data, ctype = 'json')
+ return Response.new(data, ctype = "json")
diff --git a/relay/views/api.py b/relay/views/api.py
index 95e3b73..089fcdf 100644
--- a/relay/views/api.py
+++ b/relay/views/api.py
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ async def handle_instance_add(
with app.database.session(False) as s:
if s.get_inbox(domain) is not None:
- raise HttpError(404, 'Instance already in database')
+ raise HttpError(404, "Instance already in database")
if inbox is None:
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ async def handle_instance_update(
with app.database.session(False) as s:
if (instance := s.get_inbox(domain)) is None:
- raise HttpError(404, 'Instance with domain not found')
+ raise HttpError(404, "Instance with domain not found")
row = s.put_inbox(
diff --git a/relay/views/base.py b/relay/views/base.py
index 6dba873..6fe3469 100644
--- a/relay/views/base.py
+++ b/relay/views/base.py
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
METHODS: dict[str, Method] = {}
ROUTES: list[tuple[str, str, HandlerCallback]] = []
-DEFAULT_REDIRECT: str = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'
+DEFAULT_REDIRECT: str = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
ALLOWED_HEADERS: set[str] = {
- 'accept',
- 'authorization',
- 'content-type'
+ "accept",
+ "authorization",
+ "content-type"
@@ -100,14 +100,14 @@ class Method:
return_type = get_origin(return_type)
if not issubclass(return_type, (Response, ApiObject, list)):
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid return type '{return_type.__name__}' for {func.__name__}")
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid return type \"{return_type.__name__}\" for {func.__name__}")
args = {key: value for key, value in inspect.signature(func).parameters.items()}
docstring, paramdocs = parse_docstring(func.__doc__ or "")
params = []
if func.__doc__ is None:
- logging.warning(f"Missing docstring for '{func.__name__}'")
+ logging.warning(f"Missing docstring for \"{func.__name__}\"")
for key, value in args.items():
types: list[type[Any]] = []
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class Method:
if not paramdocs.get(key):
- logging.warning(f"Missing docs for '{key}' parameter in '{func.__name__}'")
+ logging.warning(f"Missing docs for \"{key}\" parameter in \"{func.__name__}\"")
rtype = annotations.get("return") or type(None)
return cls(func.__name__, category, docstring, method, path, rtype, tuple(params))
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class Route:
if request.method != "OPTIONS" and self.require_token:
if (auth := request.headers.getone("Authorization", None)) is None:
- raise HttpError(401, 'Missing token')
+ raise HttpError(401, "Missing token")
authtype, code = auth.split(" ", 1)
@@ -245,15 +245,15 @@ class Route:
request["application"] = application
- if request.content_type in {'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'multipart/form-data'}:
+ if request.content_type in {"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data"}:
post_data = {key: value for key, value in (await request.post()).items()}
- elif request.content_type == 'application/json':
+ elif request.content_type == "application/json":
post_data = await request.json()
except JSONDecodeError:
- raise HttpError(400, 'Invalid JSON data')
+ raise HttpError(400, "Invalid JSON data")
post_data = {key: str(value) for key, value in request.query.items()}
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class Route:
response = await self.handler(get_app(), request, **post_data)
except HttpError as error:
- return Response.new({'error': error.message}, error.status, ctype = "json")
+ return Response.new({"error": error.message}, error.status, ctype = "json")
headers = {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
diff --git a/relay/views/frontend.py b/relay/views/frontend.py
index 87c6424..0935974 100644
--- a/relay/views/frontend.py
+++ b/relay/views/frontend.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
async def handle_home(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
with app.database.session() as conn:
context: dict[str, Any] = {
- 'instances': tuple(conn.get_inboxes())
+ "instances": tuple(conn.get_inboxes())
return Response.new_template(200, "page/home.haml", request, context)
@@ -34,28 +34,28 @@ async def handle_api_doc(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
return Response.new_template(200, "page/docs.haml", request, context)
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/login')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/login")
async def handle_login(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
context = {"redir": unquote(request.query.get("redir", "/"))}
return Response.new_template(200, "page/login.haml", request, context)
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/logout')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/logout")
async def handle_logout(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
with app.database.session(True) as conn:
- conn.del_app(request['token'].client_id, request['token'].client_secret)
+ conn.del_app(request["token"].client_id, request["token"].client_secret)
- resp = Response.new_redir('/')
- resp.del_cookie('user-token', domain = app.config.domain, path = '/')
+ resp = Response.new_redir("/")
+ resp.del_cookie("user-token", domain = app.config.domain, path = "/")
return resp
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/admin')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/admin")
async def handle_admin(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
- return Response.new_redir(f'/login?redir={request.path}', 301)
+ return Response.new_redir(f"/login?redir={request.path}", 301)
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/admin/instances')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/admin/instances")
async def handle_admin_instances(
app: Application,
request: Request,
@@ -64,20 +64,20 @@ async def handle_admin_instances(
with app.database.session() as conn:
context: dict[str, Any] = {
- 'instances': tuple(conn.get_inboxes()),
- 'requests': tuple(conn.get_requests())
+ "instances": tuple(conn.get_inboxes()),
+ "requests": tuple(conn.get_requests())
if error:
- context['error'] = error
+ context["error"] = error
if message:
- context['message'] = message
+ context["message"] = message
return Response.new_template(200, "page/admin-instances.haml", request, context)
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/admin/whitelist')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/admin/whitelist")
async def handle_admin_whitelist(
app: Application,
request: Request,
@@ -86,19 +86,19 @@ async def handle_admin_whitelist(
with app.database.session() as conn:
context: dict[str, Any] = {
- 'whitelist': tuple(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM whitelist ORDER BY domain ASC'))
+ "whitelist": tuple(conn.execute("SELECT * FROM whitelist ORDER BY domain ASC"))
if error:
- context['error'] = error
+ context["error"] = error
if message:
- context['message'] = message
+ context["message"] = message
return Response.new_template(200, "page/admin-whitelist.haml", request, context)
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/admin/domain_bans')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/admin/domain_bans")
async def handle_admin_instance_bans(
app: Application,
request: Request,
@@ -107,19 +107,19 @@ async def handle_admin_instance_bans(
with app.database.session() as conn:
context: dict[str, Any] = {
- 'bans': tuple(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM domain_bans ORDER BY domain ASC'))
+ "bans": tuple(conn.execute("SELECT * FROM domain_bans ORDER BY domain ASC"))
if error:
- context['error'] = error
+ context["error"] = error
if message:
- context['message'] = message
+ context["message"] = message
return Response.new_template(200, "page/admin-domain_bans.haml", request, context)
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/admin/software_bans')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/admin/software_bans")
async def handle_admin_software_bans(
app: Application,
request: Request,
@@ -128,19 +128,19 @@ async def handle_admin_software_bans(
with app.database.session() as conn:
context: dict[str, Any] = {
- 'bans': tuple(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM software_bans ORDER BY name ASC'))
+ "bans": tuple(conn.execute("SELECT * FROM software_bans ORDER BY name ASC"))
if error:
- context['error'] = error
+ context["error"] = error
if message:
- context['message'] = message
+ context["message"] = message
return Response.new_template(200, "page/admin-software_bans.haml", request, context)
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/admin/users')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/admin/users")
async def handle_admin_users(
app: Application,
request: Request,
@@ -149,29 +149,29 @@ async def handle_admin_users(
with app.database.session() as conn:
context: dict[str, Any] = {
- 'users': tuple(conn.execute('SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY username ASC'))
+ "users": tuple(conn.execute("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY username ASC"))
if error:
- context['error'] = error
+ context["error"] = error
if message:
- context['message'] = message
+ context["message"] = message
return Response.new_template(200, "page/admin-users.haml", request, context)
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/admin/config')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/admin/config")
async def handle_admin_config(
app: Application,
request: Request,
message: str | None = None) -> Response:
context: dict[str, Any] = {
- 'themes': tuple(THEMES.keys()),
- 'levels': tuple(level.name for level in LogLevel),
- 'message': message,
- 'desc': {
+ "themes": tuple(THEMES.keys()),
+ "levels": tuple(level.name for level in LogLevel),
+ "message": message,
+ "desc": {
"name": "Name of the relay to be displayed in the header of the pages and in " +
"the actor endpoint.", # noqa: E131
"note": "Description of the relay to be displayed on the front page and as the " +
@@ -187,36 +187,36 @@ async def handle_admin_config(
return Response.new_template(200, "page/admin-config.haml", request, context)
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/manifest.json')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/manifest.json")
async def handle_manifest(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
with app.database.session(False) as conn:
config = conn.get_config_all()
theme = THEMES[config.theme]
data = {
- 'background_color': theme['background'],
- 'categories': ['activitypub'],
- 'description': 'Message relay for the ActivityPub network',
- 'display': 'standalone',
- 'name': config['name'],
- 'orientation': 'portrait',
- 'scope': f"https://{app.config.domain}/",
- 'short_name': 'ActivityRelay',
- 'start_url': f"https://{app.config.domain}/",
- 'theme_color': theme['primary']
+ "background_color": theme["background"],
+ "categories": ["activitypub"],
+ "description": "Message relay for the ActivityPub network",
+ "display": "standalone",
+ "name": config["name"],
+ "orientation": "portrait",
+ "scope": f"https://{app.config.domain}/",
+ "short_name": "ActivityRelay",
+ "start_url": f"https://{app.config.domain}/",
+ "theme_color": theme["primary"]
- return Response.new(data, ctype = 'webmanifest')
+ return Response.new(data, ctype = "webmanifest")
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/theme/{theme}.css') # type: ignore[arg-type]
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/theme/{theme}.css") # type: ignore[arg-type]
async def handle_theme(app: Application, request: Request, theme: str) -> Response:
context: dict[str, Any] = {
- 'theme': THEMES[theme]
+ "theme": THEMES[theme]
except KeyError:
- return Response.new('Invalid theme', 404)
+ return Response.new("Invalid theme", 404)
return Response.new_template(200, "variables.css", request, context, ctype = "css")
diff --git a/relay/views/misc.py b/relay/views/misc.py
index 015c274..c9bdc08 100644
--- a/relay/views/misc.py
+++ b/relay/views/misc.py
@@ -21,16 +21,18 @@ VERSION = __version__
if File(__file__).join("../../../.git").resolve().exists:
- commit_label = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]).strip().decode('ascii')
- VERSION = f'{__version__} {commit_label}'
+ commit_label = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]).strip().decode("ascii")
+ VERSION = f"{__version__} {commit_label}"
+ del commit_label
except Exception:
- '/nodeinfo/{niversion:\\d.\\d}.json',
- '/nodeinfo/{niversion:\\d.\\d}'
+ "/nodeinfo/{niversion:\\d.\\d}.json",
+ "/nodeinfo/{niversion:\\d.\\d}"
@@ -40,23 +42,23 @@ async def handle_nodeinfo(app: Application, request: Request, niversion: str) ->
inboxes = conn.get_inboxes()
nodeinfo = aputils.Nodeinfo.new(
- name = 'activityrelay',
+ name = "activityrelay",
version = VERSION,
- protocols = ['activitypub'],
- open_regs = not conn.get_config('whitelist-enabled'),
+ protocols = ["activitypub"],
+ open_regs = not conn.get_config("whitelist-enabled"),
users = 1,
- repo = 'https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/relay' if niversion == '2.1' else None,
+ repo = "https://codeberg.org/barkshark/activityrelay" if niversion == "2.1" else None,
metadata = {
- 'approval_required': conn.get_config('approval-required'),
- 'peers': [inbox['domain'] for inbox in inboxes]
+ "approval_required": conn.get_config("approval-required"),
+ "peers": [inbox["domain"] for inbox in inboxes]
- return Response.new(nodeinfo, ctype = 'json')
+ return Response.new(nodeinfo, ctype = "json")
-@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, '/.well-known/nodeinfo')
+@register_route(HttpMethod.GET, "/.well-known/nodeinfo")
async def handle_wk_nodeinfo(app: Application, request: Request) -> Response:
data = aputils.WellKnownNodeinfo.new_template(app.config.domain)
- return Response.new(data, ctype = 'json')
+ return Response.new(data, ctype = "json")
diff --git a/relay/workers.py b/relay/workers.py
index 3a0a022..dd3c7e6 100644
--- a/relay/workers.py
+++ b/relay/workers.py
@@ -96,16 +96,16 @@ class PushWorker(Process):
await self.client.post(item.inbox, item.message, item.instance)
except HttpError as e:
- logging.error('HTTP Error when pushing to %s: %i %s', item.inbox, e.status, e.message)
+ logging.error("HTTP Error when pushing to %s: %i %s", item.inbox, e.status, e.message)
except AsyncTimeoutError:
- logging.error('Timeout when pushing to %s', item.domain)
+ logging.error("Timeout when pushing to %s", item.domain)
except ClientConnectionError as e:
- logging.error('Failed to connect to %s for message push: %s', item.domain, str(e))
+ logging.error("Failed to connect to %s for message push: %s", item.domain, str(e))
except ClientSSLError as e:
- logging.error('SSL error when pushing to %s: %s', item.domain, str(e))
+ logging.error("SSL error when pushing to %s: %s", item.domain, str(e))
class PushWorkers(list[PushWorker]):