import click import platform import shutil import subprocess import sys import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pathlib import Path from relay import __version__, logger as logging from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from typing import Sequence try: from watchdog.observers import Observer from import PatternMatchingEventHandler except ImportError: class PatternMatchingEventHandler: # type: ignore pass REPO = Path(__file__).parent IGNORE_EXT = { '.py', '.pyc' }'cli') def cli(): 'Useful commands for development' @cli.command('install') def cli_install(): cmd = [ sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-r', 'requirements.txt', '-r', 'dev-requirements.txt' ], check = False) @cli.command('lint') @click.argument('path', required = False, type = Path, default = REPO.joinpath('relay')) @click.option('--strict', '-s', is_flag = True, help = 'Enable strict mode for mypy') @click.option('--watch', '-w', is_flag = True, help = 'Automatically, re-run the linters on source change') def cli_lint(path: Path, strict: bool, watch: bool) -> None: path = path.expanduser().resolve() if watch: handle_run_watcher([sys.executable, "-m", "", "lint", str(path)], wait = True) return flake8 = [sys.executable, '-m', 'flake8', "", str(path)] mypy = [sys.executable, '-m', 'mypy', "", str(path)] if strict: mypy.append('--strict') click.echo('----- flake8 -----') click.echo('\n\n----- mypy -----') @cli.command('clean') def cli_clean(): dirs = { 'dist', 'build', 'dist-pypi' } for directory in dirs: shutil.rmtree(directory, ignore_errors = True) for path in REPO.glob('*.egg-info'): shutil.rmtree(path) for path in REPO.glob('*.spec'): path.unlink() @cli.command('build') def cli_build(): with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: arch = 'amd64' if sys.maxsize >= 2**32 else 'i386' cmd = [ sys.executable, '-m', 'PyInstaller', '--collect-data', 'relay', '--collect-data', 'aiohttp_swagger', '--hidden-import', 'pg8000', '--hidden-import', 'sqlite3', '--name', f'activityrelay-{__version__}-{platform.system().lower()}-{arch}', '--workpath', tmp, '--onefile', 'relay/', ] if platform.system() == 'Windows': cmd.append('--console') # putting the spec path on a different drive than the source dir breaks if str(REPO)[0] == tmp[0]: cmd.extend(['--specpath', tmp]) else: cmd.append('--strip') cmd.extend(['--specpath', tmp]), check = False) @cli.command('run') @click.option('--dev', '-d', is_flag = True) def cli_run(dev: bool): print('Starting process watcher') cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'relay', 'run'] if dev: cmd.append('-d') handle_run_watcher(cmd) def handle_run_watcher(*commands: Sequence[str], wait: bool = False): handler = WatchHandler(*commands, wait = wait) handler.run_procs() watcher = Observer() watcher.schedule(handler, str(REPO), recursive=True) watcher.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass handler.kill_procs() watcher.stop() watcher.join() class WatchHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler): patterns = ['*.py'] def __init__(self, *commands: Sequence[str], wait: bool = False): PatternMatchingEventHandler.__init__(self) self.commands: Sequence[Sequence[str]] = commands self.wait: bool = wait self.procs: list[subprocess.Popen] = [] self.last_restart: datetime = def kill_procs(self): for proc in self.procs: if proc.poll() is not None: continue'Terminating process {}') proc.terminate() sec = 0.0 while proc.poll() is None: time.sleep(0.1) sec += 0.1 if sec >= 5: logging.error('Failed to terminate. Killing process...') proc.kill() break'Process terminated') def run_procs(self, restart: bool = False): if restart: if - timedelta(seconds = 3) < self.last_restart: return self.kill_procs() self.last_restart = if self.wait: self.procs = [] for cmd in self.commands:'Running command: %s', ' '.join(cmd)) else: self.procs = list(subprocess.Popen(cmd) for cmd in self.commands) pids = (str( for proc in self.procs)'Started processes with PIDs: %s', ', '.join(pids)) def on_any_event(self, event): if event.event_type not in ['modified', 'created', 'deleted']: return self.run_procs(restart = True) if __name__ == '__main__': cli()