# Configuration ## General ### Domain Hostname the relay will be hosted on. domain: relay.example.com ### Listener The address and port the relay will listen on. If the reverse proxy (nginx, apache, caddy, etc) is running on the same host, it is recommended to change `listen` to `localhost` if the reverse proxy is on the same host. listen: port: 8080 ### Push Workers The relay can be configured to use threads to push messages out. For smaller relays, this isn't necessary, but bigger ones (>100 instances) will want to set this to the number of available cpu threads. workers: 0 ### Database type SQL database backend to use. Valid values are `sqlite` or `postgres`. database_type: sqlite ### Sqlite File Path Path to the sqlite database file. If the path is not absolute, it is relative to the config file. directory. sqlite_path: relay.jsonld ## Postgresql In order to use the Postgresql backend, the user and database need to be created first. sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER activityrelay" sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE activityrelay OWNER activityrelay" ### Database Name Name of the database to use. name: activityrelay ### Host Hostname, IP address, or unix socket the server is hosted on. host: /var/run/postgresql ### Port Port number the server is listening on. port: 5432 ### Username User to use when logging into the server. user: null ### Password Password for the specified user. pass: null