2022-05-06 07:04:51 +00:00
import asyncio
import base64
import json
import logging
import socket
import traceback
from Crypto.Hash import SHA, SHA256, SHA512
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from datetime import datetime
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from uuid import uuid4
from . import app
from .http_debug import http_debug
'sha1': SHA,
'sha256': SHA256,
'sha512': SHA512
def build_signing_string(headers, used_headers):
return '\n'.join(map(lambda x: ': '.join([x.lower(), headers[x]]), used_headers))
def check_open_port(host, port):
if host == '':
host = ''
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
return s.connect_ex((host , port)) != 0
except socket.error as e:
return False
def create_signature_header(headers):
headers = {k.lower(): v for k, v in headers.items()}
used_headers = headers.keys()
sigstring = build_signing_string(headers, used_headers)
sig = {
'keyId': app['config'].keyid,
'algorithm': 'rsa-sha256',
'headers': ' '.join(used_headers),
'signature': sign_signing_string(sigstring, app['database'].PRIVKEY)
chunks = ['{}="{}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in sig.items()]
return ','.join(chunks)
def distill_object_id(activity):
2022-08-12 19:43:24 +00:00
logging.debug(f'>> determining object ID for {activity["object"]}')
2022-05-06 07:04:51 +00:00
return activity['object']['id']
except TypeError:
return activity['object']
def distill_inboxes(actor, object_id):
database = app['database']
origin_hostname = urlparse(object_id).hostname
actor_inbox = get_actor_inbox(actor)
targets = []
for inbox in database.inboxes:
if inbox != actor_inbox or urlparse(inbox).hostname != origin_hostname:
return targets
def generate_body_digest(body):
bodyhash = app['cache'].digests.get(body)
if bodyhash:
return bodyhash
h = SHA256.new(body.encode('utf-8'))
bodyhash = base64.b64encode(h.digest()).decode('utf-8')
app['cache'].digests[body] = bodyhash
return bodyhash
def get_actor_inbox(actor):
return actor.get('endpoints', {}).get('sharedInbox', actor['inbox'])
def sign_signing_string(sigstring, key):
pkcs = PKCS1_v1_5.new(key)
h = SHA256.new()
sigdata = pkcs.sign(h)
return base64.b64encode(sigdata).decode('utf-8')
def split_signature(sig):
default = {"headers": "date"}
sig = sig.strip().split(',')
for chunk in sig:
k, _, v = chunk.partition('=')
v = v.strip('\"')
default[k] = v
default['headers'] = default['headers'].split()
return default
async def fetch_actor_key(actor):
actor_data = await request(actor)
if not actor_data:
return None
return RSA.importKey(actor_data['publicKey']['publicKeyPem'])
except Exception as e:
logging.debug(f'Exception occured while fetching actor key: {e}')
async def fetch_nodeinfo(domain):
nodeinfo_url = None
2022-08-12 06:36:08 +00:00
wk_nodeinfo = await request(f'https://{domain}/.well-known/nodeinfo', sign_headers=False, activity=False)
2022-05-06 07:04:51 +00:00
if not wk_nodeinfo:
for link in wk_nodeinfo.get('links', ''):
if link['rel'] == 'http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0':
nodeinfo_url = link['href']
if not nodeinfo_url:
2022-08-12 06:36:08 +00:00
nodeinfo_data = await request(nodeinfo_url, sign_headers=False, activity=False)
2022-05-06 07:04:51 +00:00
return nodeinfo_data['software']['name']
except KeyError:
return False
async def follow_remote_actor(actor_uri):
config = app['config']
actor = await request(actor_uri)
inbox = get_actor_inbox(actor)
if not actor:
logging.error(f'failed to fetch actor at: {actor_uri}')
logging.verbose(f'sending follow request: {actor_uri}')
message = {
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
"type": "Follow",
"to": [actor['id']],
"object": actor['id'],
"id": f"https://{config.host}/activities/{uuid4()}",
"actor": f"https://{config.host}/actor"
await request(inbox, message)
async def unfollow_remote_actor(actor_uri):
config = app['config']
actor = await request(actor_uri)
if not actor:
logging.error(f'failed to fetch actor: {actor_uri}')
inbox = get_actor_inbox(actor)
logging.verbose(f'sending unfollow request to inbox: {inbox}')
message = {
"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams",
"type": "Undo",
"to": [actor_uri],
"object": {
"type": "Follow",
"object": actor_uri,
"actor": actor_uri,
"id": f"https://{config.host}/activities/{uuid4()}"
"id": f"https://{config.host}/activities/{uuid4()}",
"actor": f"https://{config.host}/actor"
await request(inbox, message)
2022-08-12 06:36:08 +00:00
async def request(uri, data=None, force=False, sign_headers=True, activity=True):
2022-05-06 07:04:51 +00:00
## If a get request and not force, try to use the cache first
if not data and not force:
return app['cache'].json[uri]
except KeyError:
url = urlparse(uri)
method = 'POST' if data else 'GET'
headers = {'User-Agent': 'ActivityRelay'}
2022-08-12 06:36:08 +00:00
mimetype = 'application/activity+json' if activity else 'application/json'
2022-05-06 07:04:51 +00:00
## Set the content type for a POST
if data and 'Content-Type' not in headers:
2022-08-12 06:36:08 +00:00
headers['Content-Type'] = mimetype
2022-05-06 07:04:51 +00:00
## Set the accepted content type for a GET
elif not data and 'Accept' not in headers:
2022-08-12 06:36:08 +00:00
headers['Accept'] = mimetype
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if sign_headers:
signing_headers = {
'(request-target)': f'{method.lower()} {url.path}',
'Date': datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'),
'Host': url.netloc
if data:
assert isinstance(data, dict)
action = data.get('type')
data = json.dumps(data)
'Digest': f'SHA-256={generate_body_digest(data)}',
'Content-Length': str(len(data.encode('utf-8')))
signing_headers['Signature'] = create_signature_header(signing_headers)
del signing_headers['(request-target)']
del signing_headers['Host']
# json_serializer=DotDict maybe?
async with ClientSession(trace_configs=http_debug()) as session, app['semaphore']:
async with session.request(method, uri, headers=headers, data=data) as resp:
## aiohttp has been known to leak if the response hasn't been read,
## so we're just gonna read the request no matter what
resp_data = await resp.read()
resp_payload = json.loads(resp_data.decode('utf-8'))
if resp.status not in [200, 202]:
if not data:
logging.verbose(f'Received error when requesting {uri}: {resp.status} {resp_payload}')
logging.verbose(f'Received error when sending {action} to {uri}: {resp.status} {resp_payload}')
logging.debug(f'{uri} >> resp {resp_payload}')
app['cache'].json[uri] = resp_payload
return resp_payload
except JSONDecodeError:
except Exception:
async def validate_signature(actor, http_request):
pubkey = await fetch_actor_key(actor)
if not pubkey:
return False
logging.debug(f'actor key: {pubkey}')
headers = {key.lower(): value for key, value in http_request.headers.items()}
headers['(request-target)'] = ' '.join([http_request.method.lower(), http_request.path])
sig = split_signature(headers['signature'])
logging.debug(f'sigdata: {sig}')
sigstring = build_signing_string(headers, sig['headers'])
logging.debug(f'sigstring: {sigstring}')
sign_alg, _, hash_alg = sig['algorithm'].partition('-')
logging.debug(f'sign alg: {sign_alg}, hash alg: {hash_alg}')
sigdata = base64.b64decode(sig['signature'])
pkcs = PKCS1_v1_5.new(pubkey)
h = HASHES[hash_alg].new()
result = pkcs.verify(h, sigdata)
http_request['validated'] = result
logging.debug(f'validates? {result}')
return result