import logging import traceback from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientTimeout, TCPConnector from aiohttp.client_exceptions import ClientConnectionError, ClientSSLError from asyncio.exceptions import TimeoutError as AsyncTimeoutError from aputils import Nodeinfo, WellKnownNodeinfo from datetime import datetime from cachetools import LRUCache from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError from urllib.parse import urlparse from . import __version__ from .misc import ( MIMETYPES, DotDict, Message ) HEADERS = { 'Accept': f'{MIMETYPES["activity"]}, {MIMETYPES["json"]};q=0.9', 'User-Agent': f'ActivityRelay/{__version__}' } class Cache(LRUCache): def set_maxsize(self, value): self.__maxsize = int(value) class HttpClient: def __init__(self, database, limit=100, timeout=10, cache_size=1024): self.database = database self.cache = Cache(cache_size) self.cfg = {'limit': limit, 'timeout': timeout} self._conn = None self._session = None @property def limit(self): return self.cfg['limit'] @property def timeout(self): return self.cfg['timeout'] async def open(self): if self._session: return self._conn = TCPConnector( limit = self.limit, ttl_dns_cache = 300, ) self._session = ClientSession( connector = self._conn, headers = HEADERS, connector_owner = True, timeout = ClientTimeout(total=self.timeout) ) async def close(self): if not self._session: return await self._session.close() await self._conn.close() self._conn = None self._session = None async def get(self, url, sign_headers=False, loads=None, force=False): await try: url, _ = url.split('#', 1) except: pass if not force and url in self.cache: return self.cache[url] headers = {} if sign_headers: headers.update(self.database.signer.sign_headers('GET', url, algorithm='original')) try: logging.verbose(f'Fetching resource: {url}') async with self._session.get(url, headers=headers) as resp: ## Not expecting a response with 202s, so just return if resp.status == 202: return elif resp.status != 200: logging.verbose(f'Received error when requesting {url}: {resp.status}') logging.verbose(await # change this to debug return if loads: message = await resp.json(loads=loads) elif resp.content_type == MIMETYPES['activity']: message = await resp.json(loads=Message.new_from_json) elif resp.content_type == MIMETYPES['json']: message = await resp.json(loads=DotDict.new_from_json) else: # todo: raise TypeError or something logging.verbose(f'Invalid Content-Type for "{url}": {resp.content_type}') return logging.debug(f'Response: {}') logging.debug(f'{url} >> resp {message.to_json(4)}') self.cache[url] = message return message except JSONDecodeError: logging.verbose(f'Failed to parse JSON') except ClientSSLError: logging.verbose(f'SSL error when connecting to {urlparse(url).netloc}') except (AsyncTimeoutError, ClientConnectionError): logging.verbose(f'Failed to connect to {urlparse(url).netloc}') except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() async def post(self, url, message): await instance = self.database.get_inbox(url) ## Using the old algo by default is probably a better idea right now if instance and instance.get('software') in {'mastodon'}: algorithm = 'hs2019' else: algorithm = 'original' headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/activity+json'} headers.update(self.database.signer.sign_headers('POST', url, message, algorithm=algorithm)) try: logging.verbose(f'Sending "{message.type}" to {url}') async with, headers=headers, data=message.to_json()) as resp: ## Not expecting a response, so just return if resp.status in {200, 202}: return logging.verbose(f'Successfully sent "{message.type}" to {url}') logging.verbose(f'Received error when pushing to {url}: {resp.status}') return logging.verbose(await # change this to debug except ClientSSLError: logging.warning(f'SSL error when pushing to {urlparse(url).netloc}') except (AsyncTimeoutError, ClientConnectionError): logging.warning(f'Failed to connect to {urlparse(url).netloc} for message push') ## prevent workers from being brought down except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() ## Additional methods ## async def fetch_nodeinfo(self, domain): nodeinfo_url = None wk_nodeinfo = await self.get( f'https://{domain}/.well-known/nodeinfo', loads = WellKnownNodeinfo.new_from_json ) if not wk_nodeinfo: logging.verbose(f'Failed to fetch well-known nodeinfo url for domain: {domain}') return False for version in ['20', '21']: try: nodeinfo_url = wk_nodeinfo.get_url(version) except KeyError: pass if not nodeinfo_url: logging.verbose(f'Failed to fetch nodeinfo url for domain: {domain}') return False return await self.get(nodeinfo_url, loads=Nodeinfo.new_from_json) or False