import logging import aiohttp from . import CONFIG from .http_debug import http_debug from cachetools import TTLCache CACHE_SIZE = CONFIG.get('cache-size', 16384) CACHE_TTL = CONFIG.get('cache-ttl', 3600) ACTORS = TTLCache(CACHE_SIZE, CACHE_TTL) async def fetch_actor(uri, force=False): if uri in ACTORS and not force: return ACTORS[uri] try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession(trace_configs=[http_debug()]) as session: async with session.get(uri, headers={'Accept': 'application/activity+json'}) as resp: if resp.status != 200: return None ACTORS[uri] = (await resp.json(encoding='utf-8', content_type=None)) return ACTORS[uri] except Exception as e:'Caught %r while fetching actor %r.', e, uri) return None