import logging import traceback from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientTimeout, TCPConnector from aiohttp.client_exceptions import ClientConnectorError, ServerTimeoutError from aputils import Nodeinfo, WellKnownNodeinfo from datetime import datetime from cachetools import LRUCache from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError from urllib.parse import urlparse from . import __version__ from .misc import ( MIMETYPES, DotDict, Message ) HEADERS = { 'Accept': f'{MIMETYPES["activity"]}, {MIMETYPES["json"]};q=0.9', 'User-Agent': f'ActivityRelay/{__version__}' } class Cache(LRUCache): def set_maxsize(self, value): self.__maxsize = int(value) class HttpClient: def __init__(self, database, limit=100, timeout=10, cache_size=1024): self.database = database self.cache = Cache(cache_size) self.cfg = {'limit': limit, 'timeout': timeout} self._conn = None self._session = None @property def limit(self): return self.cfg['limit'] @property def timeout(self): return self.cfg['timeout'] async def open(self): if self._session: return self._conn = TCPConnector( limit = self.limit, ttl_dns_cache = 300, ) self._session = ClientSession( connector = self._conn, headers = HEADERS, connector_owner = True, timeout = ClientTimeout(total=self.timeout) ) async def close(self): if not self._session: return await self._session.close() await self._conn.close() self._conn = None self._session = None async def get(self, url, sign_headers=False, loads=None, force=False): await try: url, _ = url.split('#', 1) except: pass if not force and url in self.cache: return self.cache[url] headers = {} if sign_headers: headers.update(self.database.signer.sign_headers('GET', url, algorithm='original')) try: logging.verbose(f'Fetching resource: {url}') async with self._session.get(url, headers=headers) as resp: ## Not expecting a response with 202s, so just return if resp.status == 202: return elif resp.status != 200: logging.verbose(f'Received error when requesting {url}: {resp.status}') logging.verbose(await # change this to debug return if loads: message = await resp.json(loads=loads) elif resp.content_type == MIMETYPES['activity']: message = await resp.json(loads=Message.new_from_json) elif resp.content_type == MIMETYPES['json']: message = await resp.json(loads=DotDict.new_from_json) else: # todo: raise TypeError or something logging.verbose(f'Invalid Content-Type for "{url}": {resp.content_type}') return logging.debug(f'Response: {}') logging.debug(f'{url} >> resp {message.to_json(4)}') self.cache[url] = message return message except JSONDecodeError: logging.verbose(f'Failed to parse JSON') except (ClientConnectorError, ServerTimeoutError): logging.verbose(f'Failed to connect to {urlparse(url).netloc}') except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() raise e async def post(self, url, message): await instance = self.database.get_inbox(url) ## Using the old algo by default is probably a better idea right now if instance and instance.get('software') in {'mastodon'}: algorithm = 'hs2019' else: algorithm = 'original' headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/activity+json'} headers.update(self.database.signer.sign_headers('POST', url, message, algorithm=algorithm)) try: logging.verbose(f'Sending "{message.type}" to {url}') async with, headers=headers, data=message.to_json()) as resp: ## Not expecting a response, so just return if resp.status in {200, 202}: return logging.verbose(f'Successfully sent "{message.type}" to {url}') logging.verbose(f'Received error when pushing to {url}: {resp.status}') return logging.verbose(await # change this to debug except (ClientConnectorError, ServerTimeoutError): logging.verbose(f'Failed to connect to {url.netloc}') ## prevent workers from being brought down except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() ## Additional methods ## async def fetch_nodeinfo(self, domain): nodeinfo_url = None wk_nodeinfo = await self.get( f'https://{domain}/.well-known/nodeinfo', loads = WellKnownNodeinfo.new_from_json ) for version in ['20', '21']: try: nodeinfo_url = wk_nodeinfo.get_url(version) except KeyError: pass if not nodeinfo_url: logging.verbose(f'Failed to fetch nodeinfo url for domain: {domain}') return False return await self.get(nodeinfo_url, loads=Nodeinfo.new_from_json) or False